最普遍的脑细胞癌成胶质细胞瘤的特征是肿瘤组织中母细胞样脑细胞的存在,代替了对损伤细胞的修复机制。母细胞与机体中其他细胞不同,在正确“信号”的刺激下,它们能发育形成任何一种细胞。 研究者正在研究针对它们的治疗试验,这类试验依赖一类骨形态发生蛋白,即成胶质细胞瘤用骨形态发生蛋白4(BMP4)。这种蛋白引起神经母细胞样簇失去母细胞的特性,从而终止了它们的分化能力。
“我们的想法是在病人手术后采用BMP4或者类似物质处理,彻底去除成胶质细胞瘤从而防止复发以及延长生存时间。”医学博士 Alessandro Olivi说道。Alessandro Olivi是霍普金斯神经外科肿瘤学部门主任,同时也是这个项目的资助者。这个想法的依据就是BMPs 能够通过减少母细胞样群阻止成胶质细胞瘤,这为以后处理和治疗类似破坏性疾病开辟了一条令人兴奋的途径。
FIGURE 1. Expression and activation of BMP receptors in human GBM cells.
a, Messenger RNA transcripts for BMP receptors and BMP4. Lane 1, negative control; lane 2, acutely dissociated GBM CD133+ cells; lane 3, briefly cultured CD133+ cells; lane 4, MCF7 cells (positive control). b–g, BMPR immunoreactivity in acutely isolated (b–d) or briefly cultured (e–g) CD133+ cells. h–j, Phosphorylation of Smad proteins (using anti-phospho(p)Smad1,5,8) after exposure of briefly cultured cells to BMP4 for 30 min (h), 60 min (i) or 90 min (j) (Supplementary Fig. 2b; Supplementary Table a). b–j, Scale bar, 15 m, as in j. k–p, Western blotting. k, BMP4 in acutely dissociated (left) or briefly cultured CD133+ cells (right). l, Unchanged Smad1 levels in BMP4-treated (right), briefly cultured cells (left, untreated control). m, n, Increased Smad1,5,8 phosphorylation by BMP4 (left, untreated control; right, BMP4-treated) in acutely dissociated (m) or briefly cultured (n) cells. o, p, Increased Smad4 expression in briefly cultured (o) or acutely dissociated (p) cells by BMP4 (untreated control, left; BMP4-treated, right).
Nature Volume 444 Number 7120 p761-765
Bone morphogenetic proteins inhibit the tumorigenic potential of human brain tumour-initiating cells p761
S. G. M. Piccirillo, B. A. Reynolds, N. Zanetti, G. Lamorte, E. Binda, G. Broggi, H. Brem, A. Olivi, F. Dimeco and A. L. Vescovi
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相关基因 (Pubmed Gene)
Official Symbol: BMP4 and Name: bone morphogenetic protein 4 [Homo sapiens]
Other Aliases: BMP2B, BMP2B1, ZYME
Other Designations: bone morphogenetic protein 2B
Chromosome: 14; Location: 14q22-q23
MIM: 112262
GeneID: 652