这项研究揭示:测试手术中切除的肿瘤组织中的NAC-1蛋白可能鉴别出大多具有复发的女性并指导医生和患者更警惕和进一步治疗。在将来, 能够阻断NAC-1作用的药物也可能用来治疗肿瘤。
Fig. 4. Coimmunoprecipitation and colocalization of NAC-1 deletion mutants and full-length NAC-1. (A) Diagram of NAC-1 and NAC-1 deletion mutants. Full-length (FL) construct contains V5 tag at the C terminus, whereas all of the deletion mutants contain an Xpress (Xp) tag at the N terminus. The yellow box is the BTB/POZ domain; the blue box is the DUF1172 domain. (B) Coimmunoprecipitation shows that full-length NAC-1, N130, and N250 bind to NAC-1. The predicted molecular masses, not including the tag sequences, are: full-length NAC-1 (57.3 kDa), N130 (14.4 kDa), N250 (27.8 kDa), C250 (30.3 kDa), and M120 (14 kDa). (C) Cells with stable full-length NAC-1/V5 expression were transfected with different deletion mutants with the Xp tag. Double immunofluorescence shows that full-length NAC-1, N130, and N250 deletion mutants colocalize with full-length NAC-1. However, only full-length NAC-1 proteins form discrete round and oval-shaped NAC-1 nuclear bodies, whereas both N130 and N250 form irregular aggregates with the full-length NAC-1. Neither C250 nor M120 colocalizes with the full-length NAC-1 protein.
Kentaro Nakayama, Naomi Nakayama, Ben Davidson, Jim J.-C. Sheu, Natini Jinawath, Antonio Santillan, Ritu Salani, Robert E. Bristow, Patrice J. Morin, Robert J. Kurman, Tian-Li Wang, and Ie-Ming Shih
A BTB/POZ protein, NAC-1, is related to tumor recurrence and is essential for tumor growth and survival
PNAS 2006 103: 18739-18744; published online before print November 27 2006, 10.1073/pnas.0604083103
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[Supporting Information]
similar to NAC-1 protein; transcriptional repressor NAC1 [Mus musculus]
Chromosome: 15; Location: 15 B3.1
GeneID: 382983
This record was discontinued.
Ie-Ming Shih, M.D., Ph.D.
Co-Investigator, Career Development Program
Associate Professor
Faculty in Pathobiology
Graduate Program
Department of Pathology
Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine
1503 E. Jefferson Street
Room B-315
Baltimore, MD 21231
Dr. Shih graduated from Taipei Medical University (previously Taipei Medical Colleage) with an MD degree and from the University of Pennsylvania with a PhD degree in biomedical science. He finished his pathology residency training and gynecologic pathology fellowship (with Dr. Robert J. Kurman) at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. Dr. Shih has been board certified in anatomic pathology since 1997. He has spent 2 years in basic research with Dr. Bert Vogelstein at Johns Hopkins Oncology Center. Currently, Dr. Shih is an associate professor and an attending physician in the Departments of Pathology, Gynecology/obstetrics and Oncology at Johns Hopkins. Dr. Shih's specialty in diagnostic pathology includes all aspects in gynecological pathology, especially in trophoblastic diseases. Dr. Shih's research focuses on molecular genetics in ovarian cancer and translational researches in molecular diagnostics for cancer.
Please visit Dr. Shih's website for detailed research activities: