这项期中试验的受试者,是一名左侧乳房发生乳腺管癌的29 岁女性,研究人员为她进行对比式MRI,于注射显影剂前后进行局部MRI。显影剂增强的区域则作为近红外光技术检查的目标。结果显示该区域的血红蛋白含量偏高,氧气饱和度低且水含量高,这是癌组织的表征。
研究人员希望这种利用这种方法,在进行切片检查法前,就了解哪个组织是恶性的。他们的期中试验证实了这个概念的可行性,研究结果将发表于4月15 日的Optics Letters中。
(资料来源 : Bio.com)
Image-guided optical spectroscopy provides molecular-specific information in vivo: MRI-guided spectroscopy of breast cancer hemoglobin, water, and scatterer size
Colin M. Carpenter, Brian W. Pogue, Shudong Jiang, Hamid Dehghani, Xin Wang, Keith D. Paulsen, Wendy A. Wells, Jorge Forero, Christine Kogel, John B. Weaver, Steven P. Poplack, and Peter A. Kaufman
Optics Letters, Vol. 32, Issue 8, pp. 933-935
Keywords (OCIS):
(170.0110) Medical optics and biotechnology : Imaging systems
(170.3880) Medical optics and biotechnology : Medical and biological imaging
A multimodality instrument that integrated optical or near-infrared spectroscopy into a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) breast coil was used to perform a pilot study of image-guided spectroscopy on cancerous breast tissue. These results are believed to be the first multiwavelength spectroscopic images of breast cancer using MRI-guided constraints, and they show the cancer tumor to have high hemoglobin and water values, decreased oxygen saturation, and increased subcellular granularity. The use of frequency-domain diffuse tomography methods at many wavelengths provides the spectroscopy required for recovering maps of absorbers and scattering spectra, but the integration with MRI allows these data to be recovered on an image field that preserves high resolution and fuses the two data sets together. Integration of molecular spectroscopy into standard clinical MRI can be achieved with this approach to spectral tomography.