来自中科院北京基因组研究所蛋白质组学组,中国医学科学院& 中国协和医科大学肿瘤研究所(肿瘤医院)等处的研究人员通过对一种M-BE细胞系进行蛋白质组学分析,发现了一种可以作为潜在肺癌早期诊断的生物标记物,为肺癌治疗与检测提出了一种新方法。这一研究成果公布在《J. Proteome Res.》杂志上。
在这篇文章中,研究人员为了寻找肺癌早期血清生物标记物,将一种SV40T-transformed人类支气管上皮细胞系(human bronchial epithelial cell line):M-BE放置于条件培养基中培育,检测其分泌蛋白。研究人员首先将不同传代的M-BE细胞分泌出来的蛋白提取出来,利用2-DE进行分离,并通过MALDI-TOF/TOF质谱分析识别2-DE。
这样研究人员一共识别了47个蛋白,其中23个属于正调控蛋白,24个负调控蛋白。在这些蛋白中,cathepsin D被认为是一种能在培养基和细胞中丰度递增的典型分泌蛋白,而且在肺癌患者临床样品中也得到了蛋白质组学结论。之后利用三明治ELISA实验,血浆中cathepsin D的浓度在肺部squamous cell carcinomas (SCC, 104 例) 正常细胞 (36 cases, p 0.015)中呈现出暨大区别。
这说明不同传代M-BE细胞可以分泌或释放一些蛋白到环境中,其中cathepsin D也许能作为一种肺癌生物标记物的潜在来源,为肺癌早期检测提供新的方法。
J. Proteome Res., 6 (3), 1083 -1092, 2007. 10.1021/pr060422t S1535-3893(06)00422-2
Web Release Date: February 7, 2007 Copyright © 2007 American Chemical Society
Cathepsin D Is Secreted from M-BE Cells: Its Potential Role as a Biomarker of Lung Cancer
Xiaomin Lou,# Ting Xiao,# Kang Zhao, Hao Wang, Hongwei Zheng, Dongmei Lin, Youyong Lu, Yanning Gao, Shujun Cheng, Siqi Liu, and Ningzhi Xu*
Division of Proteomics, Beijing Genomics Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 101318, P. R. China, Department of Etiology and Carcinogenesis, Cancer Institute & Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking union Medical College, Beijing 100021, P. R. China, Peking University School of Oncology, Beijing Institute for Cancer Research, Beijing 100034, P. R. China, Laboratory of Cell and Molecular Biology, Cancer Institute & Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking union Medical College, Beijing 100021, P. R. China, and Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, P. R. China
Received August 20, 2006
The early diagnosis of lung cancer is an effective approach to reduce the mortality caused by malignancy. To explore serum biomarkers of lung cancer at early stage, M-BE, a SV40T-transformed human bronchial epithelial cell line with the phenotypic features of early tumorigenesis at high passage, was cultured in the conditioned media to collect its secretory proteins. The proteins secreted from different passage M-BE cells were extracted and then separated by two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE). MALDI-TOF/TOF mass spectrometry was adopted to identify the passage-dependent 2-DE spots. Totally, 47 proteins were identified, including 23 that were up-regulated and 24 that were down-regulated. Of these proteins, cathepsin D was a typical secretory protein that exhibited the increased abundance either in culture media or in cells during passaging. Furthermore, the proteomic conclusions were validated in the clinical samples of lung cancer patients. When sandwich ELISA was used, the concentrations of cathepsin D in plasma showed significant differences between lung squamous cell carcinomas (SCC, 104 cases) and normal donors (36 cases, p 0.015). When tissue microarray (TMA) was used, cathepsin D expression levels in SCC tissues (178 cases) were significantly higher than those in normal donors (40 cases, p < 0.001). The present study has revealed that M-BE cells at different passages could secrete or release some proteins into the living environment, which might serve as the potential resource for exploring the biomarkers of lung cancer.
Keywords: lung cancer conditioned media secretory protein Cathepsin D
e-mail: xunzh@genomics.org.cn