生物谷报道:来自Cold Spring Harbor实验室(CSHL)的一组由Lin He,Xingyue He以及Greg Hannon教授领导的科学家最近确认了一种微型RNA(miRNAs)能够使一种被称为p53的关键肿瘤抑制网络来有效的对抗癌症细胞的生长。来自CSHL癌症中心的主任Scott Lowe表示:"在CSHL,我们正在通过多个方面来增加对于p53过程的了解,因为在所有的癌症患者中,几乎都发生了这一过程的破坏。"
FIGURE 1. Expression of miR-34 is correlated with p53 status in MEFs.
a, An unsupervised hierarchical clustering based on miRNA expression profiles in wild-type and p53-/- MEFs with the indicated additional genetic alteration. Two independently constructed cell lines (.1 and .2) were analysed in each case. The complete heat map (linear scale) is presented in Supplementary Fig. S1. b, Predicted gene structures for human mir-34a and mir-34b/c were generated by combining information from expressed sequence tag databases, CAGE databases and 5' rapid amplification of cDNA ends. Sequence conservation between human, mouse and rat are represented as the percentage of conservation in the Vista analysis shown in the lower panel. The promoter regions of mir-34a and mir-34b/c each contain a palindromic sequence (shown in blue) that matches the canonical p53 binding site. The green bar indicates a CpG island. kb, kilobase.
A microRNA component of the p53 tumour suppressor network
Lin He, Xingyue He, Lee P. Lim, Elisa de Stanchina, Zhenyu Xuan, Yu Liang, Wen Xue, Lars Zender, Jill Magnus, Dana Ridzon, Aimee L. Jackson, Peter S. Linsley, Caifu Chen, Scott W. Lowe, Michele A. Cleary & Gregory J. Hannon
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