p53蛋白及其调控因子ARF的肿瘤抑制活性,基于它们在探测和消除细胞损伤中所起作用。同癌症一样,衰老也是与细胞损伤的积累有关。从这个前提出发,Matheu等发现,p53 和Arf水平较高、但却能正常调控的小鼠不仅对癌症有抵抗力,而且寿命也比正常小鼠更长,尽管有癌症所产生的影响。让人惊异的是,衰老的各种不同生物和分子标记都表明,这些小鼠能够更长时间保持年轻。提升内生Arf/p53活性似乎能产生一种抗氧化效应,该效应不仅抑制癌症,而且延缓衰老。 该研究成果发表在最新一期的《自然》杂志上。
Nature Volume 448 Number 7151(19 July 2007)
Delayed ageing through damage protection by the Arf/p53 pathway p375
Ander Matheu, Antonio Maraver, Peter Klatt, Ignacio Flores, Isabel Garcia-Cao, Consuelo Borras, Juana M. Flores, Jose Viña, Maria A. Blasco & Manuel Serrano
First paragraph | Full Text | PDF (338K) | Supplementary information
See also: Editor's summary
Official Symbol TP53 and Name: tumor protein p53 (Li-Fraumeni syndrome) [Homo sapiens]
Other Aliases: LFS1, TRP53, p53
Other Designations: p53 tumor suppressor; tumor protein p53
Chromosome: 17; Location: 17p13.1
Annotation: Chromosome 17, NC_000017.9 (7512464..7531642, complement)
MIM: 191170
GeneID: 7157
Manuel Serrano
Here is my classified list of publications:
Compilation Garbage Collection Programming Environment Programming Languages Ubiquitous Programming
They may also be accessed in one single page.
Open your source
I contribute to make free softwares available. I'm in charge of the following ones: Bigloo (the optimizing Scheme compiler) Hop (A language for programming the web 2.0) Biglook (the Bigloo graphical toolkit) Scribe (a functional markup programming language) Skribe (a functional markup programming language) Flyspell (On-the-fly Emacs spell checker).
In addition to the ones I implement, I exclusively use free softwares. Amongst these 99% are open source. Here is a selection of the ones I was the most frequently:
All my computers run GNU/Linux. I have successively use the RedHat distribution, Mandrake, then Debian. After two years spent with Gentoo. Gentoo was great in the first place but unfortunately it has became too instable and I have had to drop it. I now use the Arch distribution. It looks like very nice. Updates go smoothly and it is possible to update from binary packages or from the sources. I edit every things with Emacs. I compile my C and C++ programs with Gcc (yes, I still prefer gcc-2.95 to gcc-3.xxx). My window manager is a patched version of Pekwm. It is light (the running process occupies less than 4MB) and fast. The patch (applicable to the version 0.1.3) fixes a nasty bug of window focus and a incompatibility with Emacs focus/unfocus operations. I use pekwm in conjunction with a thin toolbar. I read my mails with a patched version of Sylpheed Claws. The patch due, to Erick Gallesio, enables to compose and post the mails with Emacs. I synchronize the disks of my computers with Unison. I manages my versions with Prcs. Unfortunately, Prcs is now difficult to compile with the recent versions of Gcc (Prcs is implemented in C++). Someone at Debian has released some patches for compiling Prcs. I have used this patches to implement a Gentoo ebuild package. I compose my slides with Skribe and I visualize them with Advi. I browse the web with Mozilla but, as much as possible, I visualize local HTML files with Dillo. When it happens that I have to read non-ascii texts, before anything else, I give a try to Abiword.