这一新发现的蛋白名为SATB1,它能够改变乳腺癌细胞中1000多种基因的表达水平。研究合作者之一、美国加州大学伯克利分校的Terumi Kohwi-Shigematsu说:“各种能促进乳腺癌细胞入侵到新环境的分子路径都受SATB1的控制。”
此次发现的这一新蛋白将为乳腺癌患者提供良好的预断测试。合作者之一、美国费城福克斯·蔡斯癌症中心的Jose Russo说:“如果在患者的原初肿瘤中发现这一蛋白,我们就会明白这位患者的预后(prognosis)将会不同,因而有可能导致选择不同的治疗方案。”
澳大利亚国立大学的Frances Shannon则表示,“研究人员之前一直在讨论癌细胞中大量基因DNA“包装”的变化情况,但是没法弄清导致这些变化的原因。此次研究确定了其中的原因,向前更进了一步。”不过,她补充说,接下来的问题就是“是什么导致了SATB1水平的升高”。(科学网 梅进/编译)
(Nature),452, 187-193,13 March 2008,Hye-Jung Han,Terumi Kohwi-Shigematsu
SATB1 reprogrammes gene expression to promote breast tumour growth and metastasis
Hye-Jung Han, Jose Russo, Yoshinori Kohwi & Terumi Kohwi-Shigematsu
Mechanisms underlying global changes in gene expression during tumour progression are poorly understood. SATB1 is a genome organizer that tethers multiple genomic loci and recruits chromatin-remodelling enzymes to regulate chromatin structure and gene expression. Here we show that SATB1 is expressed by aggressive breast cancer cells and its expression level has high prognostic significance (P < 0.0001), independent of lymph-node status. RNA-interference-mediated knockdown of SATB1 in highly aggressive (MDA-MB-231) cancer cells altered the expression of >1,000 genes, reversing tumorigenesis by restoring breast-like acinar polarity and inhibiting tumour growth and metastasis in vivo. Conversely, ectopic SATB1 expression in non-aggressive (SKBR3) cells led to gene expression patterns consistent with aggressive-tumour phenotypes, acquiring metastatic activity in vivo. SATB1 delineates specific epigenetic modifications at target gene loci, directly upregulating metastasis-associated genes while downregulating tumour-suppressor genes. SATB1 reprogrammes chromatin organization and the transcription profiles of breast tumours to promote growth and metastasis; this is a new mechanism of tumour progression.