纽约Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center的Joan Massague说:“肿瘤的微环境中并非只有癌症细胞,那里其实聚集有所有其它类型的细胞。”他说,近些年来,人们将注意力越来越多地放在这些其它类型的身体细胞在局部对肿瘤会发生怎样的影响力,即它们是如何影响血管的生长以及癌症细胞进入血循环的能力等等。
该研究团队对数百个原发性乳腺肿瘤中的人类基因组中的所有2万个基因的表达进行了分析。这些肿瘤根据它们的雌激素受体是阳性或阴性(ER+ 或 ER-)而被分为2个典型组群。研究人员发现,在这两个肿瘤组群中,大约40%的肿瘤带有受TGF?影响的基因标签。
研究人员对此继续进行挖掘,终于揭示出了这一相关性背后的“令人着迷的生物学。” 他们发现,ER-肿瘤在接触TGF?后会导致这些肿瘤细胞中第2种细胞因子的增加,这种细胞因子叫做血管生成素样蛋白-4(ANGPTL4)。一旦这种肿瘤细胞从肿瘤中逸出并储留在肺部后,ANGPTL4会破坏薄壁毛细血管细胞间的连接。当细胞与细胞间的接触被分开之后,即可使癌症细胞穿越血管壁而进入肺脏本身。
(Cell),Vol 133, 66-77,David Padua,Joan Massagué
TGFβ Primes Breast Tumors for Lung Metastasis Seeding through Angiopoietin-like 4
David Padua,1 Xiang H.-F. Zhang,1 Qiongqing Wang,1 Cristina Nadal,5 William L. Gerald,2 Roger R. Gomis,4 and Joan Massagué1,3,
1 Cancer Biology and Genetics Program, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York 10021, USA
2 Department of Pathology, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York 10021, USA
3 Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York 10021, USA
4 Oncology Programme, Institute for Research in Biomedicine, 08028 Barcelona, Spain
5 Institut de Malalties Hemato-Oncològiques, Hospital Clínic-IDIBAPS, 08036 Barcelona, Spain
Corresponding author
Joan Massagué
Cells released from primary tumors seed metastases to specific organs by a nonrandom process, implying the involvement of biologically selective mechanisms. Based on clinical, functional, and molecular evidence, we show that the cytokine TGFβ in the breast tumor microenvironment primes cancer cells for metastasis to the lungs. Central to this process is the induction of angiopoietin-like 4 (ANGPTL4) by TGFβ via the Smad signaling pathway. TGFβ induction of Angptl4 in cancer cells that are about to enter the circulation enhances their subsequent retention in the lungs, but not in the bone. Tumor cell-derived Angptl4 disrupts vascular endothelial cell-cell junctions, increases the permeability of lung capillaries, and facilitates the trans-endothelial passage of tumor cells. These results suggest a mechanism for metastasis whereby a cytokine in the primary tumor microenvironment induces the expression of another cytokine in departing tumor cells, empowering these cells to disrupt lung capillary walls and seed pulmonary metastases.