典型的癌症治疗药物能够杀死大多数的白血病细胞(左),但是依然有一些癌细胞能够活下来(右)。而美沙酮则能够做到一个不剩。(图片提供: Claudia Friesen, University of Ulm, Germany)
德国乌尔姆大学的分子生物学家Claudia Friesen最近发现,美沙酮对白血病细胞也能够产生作用,并最终导致后者的死亡。Friesen和她的研究小组用30、20、15和10微摩尔每升浓度的美沙酮对白血病细胞和健康的人类血液细胞进行了处理。结果显示,在48小时之后,浓度最高的美沙酮几乎杀死了全部的癌细胞,与此同时,那些健康的血液细胞却无一受损——后者缺乏与美沙酮结合所需要的特定受体。而在另一项实验中,研究人员发现,美沙酮还能够杀死通常对另一些化疗药物具有抗性的白血病细胞。研究人员在8月1日出版的《癌症研究》(Cancer Research)杂志上报告了他们的这项研究成果。
Friesen表示,研究人员下一步将在动物模型中测试美沙酮,从而搞清这种药物是否还能够治疗其他类型的癌症,以及更好地了解其副作用。但是美国明尼苏达州罗彻斯特市梅奥医疗中心的细胞药理学家Scott Kaufmann对于美沙酮能够用于癌症治疗表示怀疑。Kaufmann指出,这种药物杀死白血病细胞所需要的剂量——30微摩尔每升——对人类而言是有害的。因此他说,除非研究人员能够克服副作用,“否则美沙酮只能是一个让人干着急的想法,就像它对肺癌细胞做的那样。我不认为这一发现具有重大的实际意义”。(生物谷Bioon.com)
Cancer Research,68, 6059-6064,Claudia Friesen,Erich Miltner
Methadone, Commonly Used as Maintenance Medication for Outpatient Treatment of Opioid Dependence, Kills Leukemia Cells and Overcomes Chemoresistance
Claudia Friesen, Mareike Roscher, Andreas Alt and Erich Miltner
Institute of Legal Medicine, University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany
The therapeutic opioid drug methadone (D,L-methadone hydrochloride) is the most commonly used maintenance medication for outpatient treatment of opioid dependence. In our study, we found that methadone is also a potent inducer of cell death in leukemia cells and we clarified the unknown mechanism of methadone-induced cell killing in leukemia cells. Methadone inhibited proliferation in leukemia cells and induced cell death through apoptosis induction and activated apoptosis pathways through the activation of caspase-9 and caspase-3, down-regulation of Bcl-xL and X chromosome–linked inhibitor of apoptosis, and cleavage of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase. In addition, methadone induced cell death not only in anticancer drug–sensitive and apoptosis-sensitive leukemia cells but also in doxorubicin-resistant, multidrug-resistant, and apoptosis-resistant leukemia cells, which anticancer drugs commonly used in conventional therapies of leukemias failed to kill. Depending on caspase activation, methadone overcomes doxorubicin resistance, multidrug resistance, and apoptosis resistance in leukemia cells through activation of mitochondria. In contrast to leukemia cells, nonleukemic peripheral blood lymphocytes survived after methadone treatment. These findings show that methadone kills leukemia cells and breaks chemoresistance and apoptosis resistance. Our results suggest that methadone is a promising therapeutic approach not only for patients with opioid dependence but also for patients with leukemias and provide the foundation for new strategies using methadone as an additional anticancer drug in leukemia therapy, especially when conventional therapies are less effective. [Cancer Res 2008;68(15):6059–64]