细胞是非常喜欢“唠叨”的家伙——它们总在不停地与周围的邻居交换蛋白质或电信号。例如,肿瘤细胞会向附近的血管发信号,让它们向着自己的方向生长,以供肿瘤发育所需。之前的研究表明,包括癌症细胞在内的许多细胞能够通过释放含有细胞物质的小泡——微泡——直接与其他细胞进行交流。正是乳腺癌细胞之间交流的重要性促使美国波士顿市哈佛医学院的遗传学家Johan Skog和同事,决定通过神经胶母细胞瘤细胞或脑瘤细胞来研究微泡的分泌。
以前的研究曾经对神经胶母细胞瘤微泡的蛋白质和脂质内容物进行了分析。然而随着更进一步的研究,科学家从中还发现了一些核糖核酸(RNA)片段。这使得Skog和哈佛医学院的神经学家Xandra Breakefield寻思,他们是否能够针对这些遗传物质研制一种测试方法。Breakefield表示:“我们之所以会产生这种疯狂的想法,是因为这些肿瘤细胞刚刚开始释放微泡,而我们或许能够在血液中看到它们。”
加拿大蒙特利尔市McGill大学健康中心的实验肿瘤学家Janusz Rak表示,将肿瘤的遗传构成信息与视觉成像技术——例如核磁共振成像扫描——相结合,无疑将为医生的治疗提供巨大的帮助。Rak说:“新的发现并不会取代视觉成像,而是以非常有效且有趣的方式对其进行补充。”(生物谷Bioon.com)
Nature Cell Biology 10, 1470 - 1476 (01 Dec 2008), doi: 10.1038/ncb1800, Letters
Glioblastoma microvesicles transport RNA and proteins that promote tumour growth and provide diagnostic biomarkers
Johan Skog, Tom W??rdinger, Sjoerd van Rijn, Dimphna H. Meijer, Laura Gainche, William T. Curry, Bob S. Carter, Anna M. Krichevsky, Xandra O. Breakefield
Glioblastoma tumour cells release microvesicles (exosomes) containing mRNA, miRNA and angiogenic proteins. These microvesicles are taken up by normal host cells, such as brain microvascular endothelial cells. By incorporating an mRNA for a reporter protein into these microvesicles, we demonstrate that messages delivered by microvesicles are translated by recipient cells. These microvesicles are also enriched in angiogenic proteins and stimulate tubule formation by endothelial cells. Tumour-derived microvesicles therefore serve as a means of delivering genetic information and proteins to recipient cells in the tumour environment. Glioblastoma microvesicles also stimulated proliferation of a human glioma cell line, indicating a self-promoting aspect. Messenger RNA mutant/variants and miRNAs characteristic of gliomas could be detected in serum microvesicles of glioblastoma patients. The tumour-specific EGFRvIII was detected in serum microvesicles from 7 out of 25 glioblastoma patients. Thus, tumour-derived microvesicles may provide diagnostic information and aid in therapeutic decisions for cancer patients through a blood test.