研究人员用一种Fisher实验室开发的、称为差减杂交(Subtraction hybridization)的技术发现了这种新抑癌基因SARI。它通过干扰癌细胞分子的作用,抑制肿瘤的生长和存活。
根据弗吉尼亚联邦大学教授、该项目首席研究员Paul B. Fisher的说法,这一新发现的基因揭示出一种先前未认识到的分子通路,这种通路与干扰素INF抗肿瘤作用有关。
PNAS,DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0807975106, Zao-zhong Su,Paul B. Fisher
Cloning and characterization of SARI (suppressor of AP-1, regulated by IFN)
Zao-zhong Su, Seok-Geun Lee, Luni Emdada, Irina V. Lebdeva, Pankaj Gupta, Kristoffer Valerie, Devanand Sarkar, and Paul B. Fisher
We describe a novel basic leucine zipper containing type I IFN-inducible early response gene SARI (Suppressor of AP-1, Regulated by IFN). Steady-state SARI mRNA expression was detected in multiple lineage-specific normal cells, but not in their transformed/tumorigenic counterparts. In normal and cancer cells, SARI expression was induced 2 h after fibroblast IFN (IFN-β) treatment with 1 U/ml of IFN-β. Antisense inhibition of SARI protected HeLa cells from IFN-β-mediated growth inhibition. As a corollary, overexpression of SARI inhibited growth and induced apoptosis in cancer cells, but not in normal cells. SARI interacted with c-Jun via its leucine zipper, resulting in inhibition of DNA binding of activator protein (AP-1) complex and consequently AP-1-dependent gene expression. Transformed cells relying on AP-1 activity for proliferative advantage demonstrated increased susceptibility to SARI-mediated growth inhibition. These findings uncover a novel mode of IFN-induced anti-tumor growth suppression and suggest potential gene therapy applications for SARI.