癌细胞本身所分泌的与发炎反应有关的细胞素如IL-6, TNF- 具有活化巨噬细胞的能力。活化后的巨噬细胞会进一步地分泌其他物质影响癌细胞的转移(metastases)。他们发现,从一种肺癌细胞株(lung carcinoma cell line, LLC)所分离得到的一种多醣体 Versican 能够经过活化TLR2后,帮助巨噬细胞产生更多与发炎反应有关的细胞素并且使LLC转移至肺脏。例如,将LLC细胞打入TLR2 剔除鼠后,该鼠几乎不产生肺癌;或是将Versican从LLC细胞内剔除后再打入一般正常鼠也减少了肺癌的发生率。实验结果显示,Versican在引起巨噬细胞活化进而促进癌细胞的转移的作用上,有某种的相关。提供了未来阻断癌细胞转移的可能的方法。
领导这一研究的是加州大学圣地亚哥分校药理学与病理学教授Michael Karin ,另外台湾大学参与人员有林婉婉教授。Karin教授一直致力于研究炎症对于癌症发生和扩散的影响。
结果研究人员发现了一种称为lewis肺癌(lewis lung carcinoma,LLC)的高转移细胞系具有潜在的激活巨噬细胞的能力,而且LLC细胞分泌的一种蛋白参与了巨噬细胞活性改变,对这种蛋白进行生化方法纯化,从而发现了这种称为versican的细胞外基质蛋白是主要的巨噬细胞激活因子, 以及转移增强因子。并且研究人员也发现versican的作用原理:通过刺激能引发细胞因子——控免疫系统的信号蛋白一一产生的受体极大的增强LLC转移生长。其中受体TLR2, 以及细胞因子TNF都是LLC转移的关键因素。但是TLR2和TNFα的正常功能是用于宿主天然免疫性,对抗微生物感染的,Karin认为,这些研究结果不仅适用于小鼠模型,而且在人类肺癌中也存在同样的机理。
Nature 457, 102-106 (1 January 2009) | doi:10.1038/nature07623
Carcinoma-produced factors activate myeloid cells through TLR2 to stimulate metastasis
Sunhwa Kim1, Hiroyuki Takahashi1, Wan-Wan Lin1,2, Pascal Descargues1, Sergei Grivennikov1, Youngjun Kim1,3, Jun-Li Luo1,3 & Michael Karin1
1 Department of Pharmacology and Cancer Center, School of Medicine, University of California, San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, California 92093-0723, USA
2 Department of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, China
3 Present addresses: Department of Applied Biochemistry, Konkuk University, 322 Danwol-dong, Chungju-City, Chungbuk 380-701, Korea (Y.K.); Department of Cancer Biology, The Scripps Research Institute, 5353 Parkside Drive, Jupiter, Florida 33458, USA (J.-L.L.).
Metastatic progression depends on genetic alterations intrinsic to cancer cells as well as the inflammatory microenvironment of advanced tumours1, 2. To understand how cancer cells affect the inflammatory microenvironment, we conducted a biochemical screen for macrophage-activating factors secreted by metastatic carcinomas. Here we show that, among the cell lines screened, Lewis lung carcinoma (LLC)3 were the most potent macrophage activators leading to production of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumour-necrosis factor- (TNF-) through activation of the Toll-like receptor (TLR) family members4 TLR2 and TLR6. Both TNF- and TLR2 were found to be required for LLC metastasis. Biochemical purification of LLC-conditioned medium (LCM) led to identification of the extracellular matrix proteoglycan versican, which is upregulated in many human tumours including lung cancer5, 6, as a macrophage activator that acts through TLR2 and its co-receptors TLR6 and CD14. By activating TLR2:TLR6 complexes and inducing TNF- secretion by myeloid cells, versican strongly enhances LLC metastatic growth. These results explain how advanced cancer cells usurp components of the host innate immune system, including bone-marrow-derived myeloid progenitors7, to generate an inflammatory microenvironment hospitable for metastatic growth.