近日,美国Mayo Clinic的研究人员证明了整个染色体数量的改变,也就是非整倍性能够导致癌症这一理论。他们的这项研究结果发表在最近一期的Cancer Cell上,文章对癌症研究领域的主要观点,即是否非整倍体是癌症的成因做了详细的论证。
这项研究的负责人Jan van Deursen博士介绍说,他们的实验室使用一种新建立的人类肿瘤老鼠模型,对非整倍性导致癌症这一理论进行证实,并详细解释了该机制。
Cancer Cell, Volume 16, Issue 6, 475-486, 8 December 2009 doi:10.1016/j.ccr.2009.10.023
Whole Chromosome Instability Caused by Bub1 Insufficiency Drives Tumorigenesis through Tumor Suppressor Gene Loss of Heterozygosity
Darren J. Baker1, Fang Jin1, Karthik B. Jeganathan1 and Jan M. van Deursen1, 2, ,
1 Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester, MN 55905, USA
2 Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester, MN 55905, USA
Genetic alterations that promote chromosome missegregation have been proposed to drive tumorigenesis through loss of whole chromosomes containing key tumor suppressor genes. To test this unproven idea, we bred Bub1 mutant mice that inaccurately segregate their chromosomes onto p53+/−, ApcMin/+, Rb+/−, or Pten+/− backgrounds. Bub1 insufficiency predisposedp53+/− mice to thymic lymphomas and ApcMin/+ mice to colonic tumors. These tumors consistently lacked the nonmutated tumor suppressor allele but had gained a copy of the mutant allele. In contrast, Bub1 insufficiency had no impact on tumorigenesis in Rb+/− mice and inhibited prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia formation in Pten+/− mice. Thus, Bub1 insufficiency can drive tumor formation through tumor suppressor gene loss of heterozygosity, but only in restricted genetic and cellular contexts.