密歇根大学综合癌症研究中心的科学家最新研究发现乳腺癌干细胞与炎症之前的新关联,这些新的发现为更好地治疗耐药性的乳腺癌具有重要的意义,相关成果文章发表在1月4日的Journal of Clinical Investigation在线版上。
几年前,Max S.Wicha和Michael F.Clarke发现肿瘤细胞中只有一小部分细胞可以分裂成为肿瘤组织中的各种细胞。在研究中,他们发现可以用细胞表面的标记蛋白将肿瘤细胞分成两类,将两类蛋白分别注入老鼠的乳腺中,第一类肿瘤细胞(有标记蛋白)虽然只占整个细胞数量的极小部分,但却能引起肿瘤发生,第二类肿瘤细胞占整个细胞的绝大多数,却不能引起肿瘤发生。
J Clin Invest. doi:10.1172/JCI39397.
CXCR1 blockade selectively targets human breast cancer stem cells in vitro and in xenografts
Christophe Ginestier1,2, Suling Liu1, Mark E. Diebel1, Hasan Korkaya1, Ming Luo3, Marty Brown1, Julien Wicinski2, Olivier Cabaud2, Emmanuelle Charafe-Jauffret2, Daniel Birnbaum2, Jun-Lin Guan3, Gabriela Dontu1 and Max S. Wicha1
1University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center, Department of Internal Medicine/Oncology, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.
2Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Marseille, Laboratoire d’Oncologie Moléculaire, UMR891 INSERM/Institut Paoli-Calmettes, Université de la Méditerranée, Marseille, France.
3Division of Molecular Medicine and Genetics and Cell and Developmental Biology, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.
Recent evidence suggests that breast cancer and other solid tumors possess a rare population of cells capable of extensive self-renewal that contribute to metastasis and treatment resistance. We report here the development of a strategy to target these breast cancer stem cells (CSCs) through blockade of the IL-8 receptor CXCR1. CXCR1 blockade using either a CXCR1-specific blocking antibody or repertaxin, a small-molecule CXCR1 inhibitor, selectively depleted the CSC population in 2 human breast cancer cell lines in vitro. Furthermore, this was followed by the induction of massive apoptosis in the bulk tumor population via FASL/FAS signaling. The effects of CXCR1 blockade on CSC viability and on FASL production were mediated by the FAK/AKT/FOXO3A pathway. In addition, repertaxin was able to specifically target the CSC population in human breast cancer xenografts, retarding tumor growth and reducing metastasis. Our data therefore suggest that CXCR1 blockade may provide a novel means of targeting and eliminating breast CSCs.