15年前,多伦多大学的分子生物学家John Dick在做实验的时候发现,并不是所有的癌症干细胞都是经历相同的步骤发展而来的。尤其是,只有小部分的具有自我更新能力的白血病细胞能发展成肿瘤,因此John Dick将这些能发育成肿瘤的变异细胞称为癌症干细胞(Cancer Stem Cells,CSCs)。
2003年癌症干细胞理论的模型正式建立,由来自密歇根大学的Michael Clarke, Max Wicga,Sean Morrison等人首次建立。他们首次在乳腺癌组织中发现存在癌性的干细胞样细胞群,这是第一次证实存在有癌症干细胞。
意大利的科学家们从乳腺干细胞微球体(mammospheres)中分离出几乎纯的人类正常的乳腺干细胞(human normal mammary Stem Cells, hNMSCs),将微球体内的细胞进行染色,凡是休眠期的干细胞都能结合一种特殊的燃料PKH26(亲脂性的细胞染料),这些PKH26阳性的细胞具有与hNMSCs完全一致的特征。这证实,所分离到的细胞确为乳腺干细胞。
Cell, 8 January 2010 DOI:10.1016/j.cell.2009.12.007
Biological and Molecular Heterogeneity of Breast Cancers Correlates with Their Cancer Stem Cell Content
Salvatore Pece, Daniela Tosoni, Stefano Confalonieri, Giovanni Mazzarol, Manuela Vecchi, Simona Ronzoni, Loris Bernard, Giuseppe Viale, Pier Giuseppe Pelicci, Pier Paolo Di Fiore
Pathways that govern stem cell (SC) function are often subverted in cancer. Here, we report the isolation to near purity of human normal mammary SCs (hNMSCs), from cultured mammospheres, on the basis of their ability to retain the lipophilic dye PKH26 as a consequence of their quiescent nature. PKH26-positive cells possess all the characteristics of hNMSCs. The transcriptional profile of PKH26-positive cells (hNMSC signature) was able to predict biological and molecular features of breast cancers. By using markers of the hNMSC signature, we prospectively isolated SCs from the normal gland and from breast tumors. Poorly differentiated (G3) cancers displayed higher content of prospectively isolated cancer SCs (CSCs) than did well-differentiated (G1) cancers. By comparing G3 and G1 tumors in xenotransplantation experiments, we directly demonstrated that G3s are enriched in CSCs. Our data support the notion that the heterogeneous phenotypical and molecular traits of human breast cancers are a function of their CSC content.