淋巴瘤可分为B细胞淋巴瘤和T细胞淋巴瘤两类。当机体的分子检测机制出现错误时B细胞或T细胞发生分裂失控从而导致淋巴瘤。桑福德-伯纳姆医学研究所(Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute)炎性疾病计划的负责人Robert Rickert领导的科研小组最近开展了一项新的研究,检测了两种酶SHIP和PTEN对于B细胞生长和增殖的影响。研究论文发表在10月18日的《实验医学杂志》(Journal of Experimental Medicine)上。研究证实SHIP和PTEN共同作用抑制B细胞淋巴瘤。新发现为当前淋巴瘤的治疗方法的开发指明了新方向。
研究人员希望了解PTEN和SHIP突变是否确实会导致人类发生淋巴瘤。在与加州大学芝加哥分校的Michael David博士的早期合作研究中,Rickert博士和同事们发现感染或损伤引起的炎症会减少SHIP的表达。在新研究中研究人员证实当B细胞仅发生PTEN突变时不会对细胞造成损伤,而当发生突变并伴有炎症时则有可能导致淋巴瘤发生。
Rickert 说:“人们通常认为一个基因与一类癌症相关。事实上癌症是一种多基因疾病。细胞从正常向异常转化过程中通常会发生多重损伤。在本研究中我们构建了一个模型显示了B细胞中发生的事件。”
JEM doi: 10.1084/jem.20091962
Coordinate suppression of B cell lymphoma by PTEN and SHIP phosphatases
Ana V. Miletic1, Amy N. Anzelon-Mills1, David M. Mills1, Sidne A. Omori1, Irene M. Pedersen2,3, Dong-Mi Shin4, Jeffrey V. Ravetch6, Silvia Bolland5, Herbert C. Morse III4, and Robert C. Rickert1
The inositol phosphatases phosphatase and tensin homologue (PTEN) and Src homology 2 domain–containing inositol phosphatase (SHIP) negatively regulate phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K)–mediated growth, survival, and proliferation of hematopoietic cells. Although deletion of PTEN in mouse T cells results in lethal T cell lymphomas, we find that animals lacking PTEN or SHIP in B cells show no evidence of malignancy. However, concomitant deletion of PTEN and SHIP (bPTEN/SHIP?/?) results in spontaneous and lethal mature B cell neoplasms consistent with marginal zone lymphoma or, less frequently, follicular or centroblastic lymphoma. bPTEN/SHIP?/? B cells exhibit enhanced survival and express more MCL1 and less Bim. These cells also express low amounts of p27kip1 and high amounts of cyclin D3 and thus appear poised to undergo proliferative expansion. Unlike normal B cells, bPTEN/SHIP?/? B cells proliferate to the prosurvival factor B cell activating factor (BAFF). Interestingly, although BAFF availability may promote lymphoma progression, we demonstrate that BAFF is not required for the expansion of transferred bPTEN/SHIP?/? B cells. This study reveals that PTEN and SHIP act cooperatively to suppress B cell lymphoma and provides the first direct evidence that SHIP is a tumor suppressor. As such, assessment of both PTEN and SHIP function are relevant to understanding the etiology of human B cell malignancies that exhibit augmented activation of the PI3K pathway.