近日在麻省理工学院的生物学家《细胞》(Cell)杂志上发表文章,解析癌细胞逃避化疗的机制。研究人员在对小鼠淋巴瘤的研究中发现有少量的癌细胞能够通过躲藏在胸腺中逃避化疗。胸腺中大量的生长因子保护这些细胞逃逸了化疗药物的“追杀”。研究的负责人、麻省理工大学生物学教授Michael Hemann认为这些细胞有可能是导致肿瘤复发的根源。
Hemann希望在接下来的工作中与Koch研究所的Michael Yaffe博士合作进一步阐明相关的机制。他还计划在其他的癌症类型包括转移性癌症中开展研究以确定这些肿瘤中是否也有这种促生存信号存在。(生物谷Bioon.com)
Cell doi:10.1016/j.cell.2010.09.043
DNA Damage-Mediated Induction of a Chemoresistant Niche
Luke A. Gilbert, Michael T. Hemann
While numerous cell-intrinsic processes are known to play decisive roles in chemotherapeutic response, relatively little is known about the impact of the tumor microenvironment on therapeutic outcome. Here, we use a well-established mouse model of Burkitt's lymphoma to show that paracrine factors in the tumor microenvironment modulate lymphoma cell survival following the administration of genotoxic chemotherapy. Specifically, IL-6 and Timp-1 are released in the thymus in response to DNA damage, creating a “chemo-resistant niche” that promotes the survival of a minimal residual tumor burden and serves as a reservoir for eventual tumor relapse. Notably, IL-6 is released acutely from thymic endothelial cells in a p38-dependent manner following genotoxic stress, and this acute secretory response precedes the gradual induction of senescence in tumor-associated stromal cells. Thus, conventional chemotherapies can induce tumor regression while simultaneously eliciting stress responses that protect subsets of tumor cells in select anatomical locations from drug action.