葡萄膜恶性黑色素瘤(maligment melanoma of uvea)是成年人中最多见的一种恶性眼内肿瘤,在国外其发病率占眼内肿瘤的首位,在国内则仅次于视网膜母细胞瘤,居眼内肿瘤的第二位。此瘤的恶性程度高,易经血流转移,在成年人中又是比较多见,在临床工作中易和许多眼底疾病相混淆。
BAP1蛋白是在1998年作为一个乳腺癌易感性蛋白BRCA1的结合伙伴而被首次发现的。BAP1蛋白可从蛋白质上清除一种叫做泛素的化学加和物,而泛素常常会标记在那些要被毁掉的细胞蛋白上。 这些结果发现,BAP1信号转导通路不但可作为葡萄膜黑色素瘤的一种治疗目标,而且它还有可能作为其它具有高度转移性的癌症的治疗目标。
Science DOI: 10.1126/science.1194472
Frequent Mutation of BAP1 in Metastasizing Uveal Melanomas
J. William Harbour,1,3,* Michael D. Onken,1 Elisha D. O. Roberson,2 Shenghui Duan,2 Li Cao,2 Lori A. Worley,1 M. Laurin Council,2 Katie A. Matatall,1 Cynthia Helms,2 Anne M. Bowcock2,3,*
Metastasis is a defining feature of malignant tumors and is the most common cause of cancer-related death, yet the genetics of metastasis are poorly understood. We used massively parallel exome sequencing coupled with Sanger resequencing to search for metastasis-related mutations in highly metastatic uveal melanomas of the eye. Inactivating somatic mutations were identified in the gene encoding BRCA1-associated protein 1 (BAP1) on chromosome 3p21.1 in 26 of 31 (84%) metastasizing tumors, including 15 mutations causing premature protein termination and six affecting its ubiquitin carboxy-terminal hydrolase (UCH) domains. One tumor harbored a frameshift mutation that was germline in origin, thus representing a susceptibility allele. These findings implicate loss of BAP1 in uveal melanoma metastasis and suggest that the BAP1 pathway may be a valuable therapeutic target.
1 Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO 63110, USA.
2 Department of Genetics, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO 63110, USA.
3 Siteman Cancer Center, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO 63110, USA.