12月发表在《癌症预防研究》 Cancer Prevention Research 杂志上的一篇论文指出人体血细胞中叶酸水平过高将引起两个重要的肿瘤抑制基因发生甲基化而导致基因功能失活。这一研究结果打破了常规理论上的“叶酸无毒性”论,或将促使人们更加注意日常叶酸的正常摄入量。
“大量研究证实DNA甲基化与人类许多癌症和衰老疾病相关。基因启动子CpG岛的甲基化可在转录水平上抑制基因的表达。”论文的作者、美国安德森癌症中心白血病科的Jean-Pierre Issa教授说道:“我们的新研究发现血液中高水平的叶酸可促进DNA甲基化水平增高。”
在新研究中研究人员针对781名患者进行研究分析了叶酸血液水平、饮食和生活方式对于正常结肠直肠组织中DNA甲基化的影响。这781名患者来自于一项临床试验旨在比较叶酸与阿司匹林对癌前结肠直肠息肉的预防效应。研究人员收集了所有的人口统计、生活方式和饮食信息,并比较了两个肿瘤抑制基因ERα 和 SFRP1的甲基化水平。
研究证实随着年龄增高ERα 和 SFRP1的甲基化也相应增高。并且不同的种族、直肠与结肠之间甲基化的水平都存在差异。无论是叶酸治疗或是阿司匹林治疗与甲基化水平均没有显著的相关性。然而,在研究数据中研究人员发现红细胞中叶酸水平较高的患者与较低的患者之间ERα 和 SFRP1两种抑癌基因的甲基化程度有着显著的差异。并且患者体内红细胞叶酸水平密切反映了患者长期的叶酸摄入量。
“这些差异非常显著,红细胞叶酸水平高的患者比较低的患者衰老程度平均要超过10年,”Issa说: “研究的结果不禁使人担心长期过量地摄入叶酸将引起更多的DNA甲基化,从而有可能导致癌症以及一些其他的衰老性疾病的发病几率增高。”
Cancer Prev Res doi: 10.1158/1940-6207.CAPR-10-0047
Association between Folate Levels and CpG Island Hypermethylation in Normal Colorectal Mucosa
Kristin Wallace1,2, Maria V. Grau1, A. Joan Levine3, Lanlan Shen4, Randala Hamdan4, Xinli Chen4, Jiang Gui1, Robert W. Haile3, Elizabeth L. Barry1, Dennis Ahnen5, Gail McKeown-Eyssen6, John A. Baron1 and Jean Pierre J. Issa4
Gene-specific promoter methylation of several genes occurs in aging normal tissues and may predispose to tumorigenesis. In the present study, we investigate the association of blood folate levels and dietary and lifestyle factors with CpG island (CGI) methylation in normal colorectal mucosa. Subjects were enrolled in a multicenter chemoprevention trial of aspirin or folic acid for the prevention of large bowel adenomas. We collected 1,000 biopsy specimens from 389 patients, 501 samples from the right colon and 499 from the rectum at the follow-up colonoscopy. We measured DNA methylation of estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) and secreted frizzled related protein-1 (SFRP1), using bisulfite pyrosequencing. We used generalized estimating equations regression analysis to examine the association between methylation and selected variables. For both ERα and SFRP1, percentage methylation was significantly higher in the rectum than in the right colon (P = 0.001). For each 10 years of age, we observed a 1.7% increase in methylation level for ERα and a 2.9% increase for SFRP1 (P < 0.0001). African Americans had a significantly lower level of ERα and SFRP1 methylation than Caucasians and Hispanics. Higher RBC folate levels were associated with higher levels of both ERα (P = 0.03) and SFRP1 methylation (P = 0.01). Our results suggest that CGI methylation in normal colorectal mucosa is related to advancing age, race, rectal location, and RBC folate levels. These data have important implications regarding the safety of supplementary folate administration in healthy adults, given the hypothesis that methylation in normal mucosa may predispose to colorectal neoplasia.