近日,武汉大学基础医学院四年级本科生王志浩收到日本癌症学会官方期刊《癌症科学》(Cancer Science,SCI期刊)编辑部的通知,他的综述性研究论文《一个新的致癌蛋白Pirh2:脱离MDM2的光环从暗处走向前台》,已在线发表。
王志浩同学自大学二年级开始,就利用课余时间进入分子神经病学实验室做科研,两年多来一直从事Pirh2蛋白与肿瘤的相关性研究。研究发现在一些异常情况下,如DNA损伤时,MDM2不能有效地降解p53基因,而Pirh2能够将DNA损伤时15位丝氨酸磷酸化活化的p53泛素化降解,同时Pirh2 在多种p53野生型与突变型癌症细胞系中表达水平较高,就是说Pirh2的含量越大,越容易导致肿瘤细胞的繁殖和生长。所以,文章认为Pirh2蛋白已经脱离了MDM2蛋白的“黑色”光环,成了人类癌症疾病的“帮凶”,是又一隐形“杀手”。
Cancer Sci, doi: 10.1111/j.1349-7006.2011.01899.x, 2011
A novel oncoprotein Pirh2: rising from the shadow of MDM2.
Wang Z, Yang B, Dong L, Peng B, He X, Liu W.
School of Medicine, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China.
Pirh2 (p53-induced RING-H2) is an E3 ubiquitin ligase that can target p53 for degradation and thereby repress a diverse group of biological activities regulated by p53. Notably, Pirh2, rather than MDM2, is the primary degrader of active p53 under conditions of DNA damage. Moreover, Pirh2 is highly expressed in multiple cancer cell lines regardless of p53 status. Recent research has shown that Pirh2 is involved in many signalling pathways related to the genesis and evolution of cancer. This review aims to summarize a comprehensive picture of the role of Pirh2 in cellular processes and its significance to tumorigenesis. Furthermore, this review focuses on its potential role as a cancer therapeutic target.