Prostasomes as promising plasma biomarkers for prostate cancer
前列腺小体(prostasome)是正常和恶性前列腺腺泡细胞(acinar cell)产生和分泌的平均直径为150nm的微小囊泡(microvesicle)。正常情况下,这些囊泡会释放到精液中。人们早已猜测恶性前列腺细胞的侵入性生长可能会造成这些囊泡出现在组织间隙空间(interstitial space),随后进入外周血液循环系统。前列腺小体适合作为前列腺癌症病人血液中的生物标志物业已通过功能增强型邻位连接技术(proximity ligation assay, PLA)的检验。
1. 邻位连接技术(proximity ligation assay,PLA)
一种高灵敏度的蛋白质检测技术,该技术采用核酸适体(aptamer)或单/多克隆抗体-核酸复合物作为邻位连接探针(proximity probes)。当一对邻位探针同时识别同一个目标蛋白分子时,它们将在空间位置上相互临近,通过连接反应形成一段可扩增的DNA标签序列,该标签序列能够反映待测蛋白的种类及浓度。该技术将对蛋白质的检测转变为对DNA核酸序列的检测,实现了特殊蛋白质的检测,定量及定位。
2. Gleason评分或分级(Gleason score)
A. 分级和积分:
B. 主要结构类型:
①Gleason 1级(很少见):一致性规则的大腺体,背靠背密集,形成小结节。
②Gleason 2级:较不规则的大腺体,背靠背密集,形成小结节,结节内腺体不融合。
③Gleason 3级:浸润性生长的小腺体或腺泡,或小型筛状结构腺体。
④Gleason 4级:融合腺体,大型筛状腺体,或呈肾透明细胞癌样。
⑤Gleason 5级:实性癌巢(无腺样结构),单个癌细胞浸润,或呈粉刺样癌(癌细胞坏死)。(生物谷
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PNAS doi: 10.1073/pnas.1019330108
Multiple recognition assay reveals prostasomes as promising plasma biomarkers for prostate cancer
Gholamrez Tavoosidana, Gunnar Ronquist, Spyros Darmanis, Junhong Yan, Lena Carlsson, Di Wu, Tim Conze, Pia Ek, Axel Semjonow, Elke Eltze, Anders Larsson, Ulf D. Landegren, and Masood Kamali-Moghaddam
Prostasomes are microvesicles (mean diameter, 150 nm) that are produced and secreted by normal and malignant prostate acinar cells. It has been hypothesized that invasive growth of malignant prostate cells may cause these microvesicles, normally released into seminal fluid, to appear in interstitial space and therewith into peripheral circulation. The suitability of prostasomes as blood biomarkers in patients with prostate cancer was tested by using an expanded variant of the proximity ligation assay (PLA). We developed an extremely sensitive and specific assay (4PLA) for detection of complex target structures such as microvesicles in which the target is first captured via an immobilized antibody and subsequently detected by using four other antibodies with attached DNA strands. The requirement for coincident binding by five antibodies to generate an amplifiable reporter results in both increased specificity and sensitivity. The assay successfully detected significantly elevated levels of prostasomes in blood samples from patients with prostate cancer before radical prostatectomy, compared with controls and men with benign biopsy results. The medians for prostasome levels in blood plasma of patients with prostate cancer were 2.5 to sevenfold higher compared with control samples in two independent studies, and the assay also distinguished patients with high and medium prostatectomy Gleason scores (8/9 and 7, respectively) from those with low score (≤6), thus reflecting disease aggressiveness. This approach that enables detection of prostasomes in peripheral blood may be useful for early diagnosis and assessment of prognosis in organ-confined prostate cancer.