据国外媒体报道,路易斯安那州立大学(Louisiana State University)的研究员从1999年到2004年期间记录了11,000名年龄在2岁到18岁之间的青少年们的情况。数据显示,吃糖果的孩子要比那些不吃的孩子瘦,甚至比例达到了22%。在青少年中间比例更高,甚至达到了26%。在所有年龄段中间,吃糖的孩子的c反应蛋白要低很多,而高浓度的蛋白质会提高身体患心脏病已经其他疾病的几率。研究人员也解释了这个调查结果,那些从小就吃糖果的孩子们更加懂得“饮食方法”,他们在一些比较重要的场合就显示出了这一优势,知道怎样保持卡路里的平衡。
研究领头人卡罗尔·奥尼尔(Carol O'Neil)补充道,“青少年吃糖果并不会超过健康标准更不会肥胖,但不能因为这个就放纵吃糖。糖果并不能代替吃饭所能摄取的营养元素,只需适当去享受即可。”
南安普顿的营养师普利亚·图(Priya Tew)认为父母将这些教训传授给孩子的话很利于孩子以后的生活。
这一研究结果被发表在《食品和营养研究杂志》(journal Food and Nutrition Research)上。(生物谷Bioon.com)
Journal Food and Nutrition Research
Eating Patterns and Overweight Status in Young Adults
Mohindra NA, Nicklas TA, O'neil CE, Yang SJ, Berenson GS.
Several studies have focused on the association between eating patterns and obesity. However, the findings have not been consistent. The goal of the present study was to identify the eating patterns associated with overweight among young adults aged 19-28 years (n=504) in Bogalusa, Louisiana. Food intake was determined using a single 24-h dietary recall, and height and weights were measured to determine the body mass index. The association between eating patterns and overweight status was evaluated using logistic regression and analysis of covariance. Twenty-four percent of young adults were overweight and 18% were obese; with the highest prevalence of obesity seen among black females. The percentage gram consumption of fruit/fruit juices (P < 0.01) was negatively associated with overweight status, and diet beverage consumption (P < 0.05) was positively associated with obesity. Eating patterns are associated with overweight status in young adults; however, the amount of variance explained in the body mass index was very small.