台大表示,此为抗癌药物研发上的重大突破贡献,可应用于研发新型抗癌药物,以提升癌症病患接受治疗时有效导致癌细胞死亡的疗效,并可降低治疗癌症时的多项副作用。(生物谷 Bioon.com)
Structural Basis of Type II Topoisomerase Inhibition by the Anticancer Drug Etoposide
Chyuan-Chuan Wu, Tsai-Kun Li, Lynn Farh, Li-Ying Lin1, Te-Sheng Lin1, Yu-Jen Yu1, Tien-Jui Yen, Chia-Wang Chiang, Nei-Li Chan
Type II topoisomerases (TOP2s) resolve the topological problems of DNA by transiently cleaving both strands of a DNA duplex to form a cleavage complex through which another DNA segment can be transported. Several widely prescribed anticancer drugs increase the population of TOP2 cleavage complex, which leads to TOP2-mediated chromosome DNA breakage and death of cancer cells. We present the crystal structure of a large fragment of human TOP2β complexed to DNA and to the anticancer drug etoposide to reveal structural details of drug-induced stabilization of a cleavage complex. The interplay between the protein, the DNA, and the drug explains the structure-activity relations of etoposide derivatives and the molecular basis of drug-resistant mutations. The analysis of protein-drug interactions provides information applicable for developing an isoform-specific TOP2-targeting strategy.