适量应用维生素D可减少患结直肠癌的风险,这是上海交通大学附属第六人民医院外科马延磊博士在导师秦环龙教授的指导下开展专项研究所得出的结论。多年来,他们课题组经过前瞻性研究的系统综述,发现了维生素D 与结直肠癌风险间的联系,该项最新研究成果在最近一期的《临床肿瘤学期刊》(JCO)上正式发表,引起国际同行的注目。JCO杂志是美国临床肿瘤学会(ASCO)的官方刊物,在国际肿瘤学界享有盛誉,2010年影响因子为18.790。
大肠癌是全球发病率和致死率较高的恶性肿瘤之一,在我国,近年来随着人民生活水平的不断提高,饮食习惯和饮食结构的改变以及人口老龄化,中国结直肠癌的发病率和死亡率均保持上升趋势,因此,大肠癌的预防尤为关键。研究者通过系统综述的18个前瞻性临床研究,共包含了1, 000, 000例参与者。研究者分别分析了维生素D的摄入水平、维生素D的血液转化物25-hydroxy 维生素D [25(OH)D] 血液表达水平与大肠癌发病风险的相互关系。结果发现:维生素D摄取量较多或者血液中活性维生素D-[25(OH)D] 表达水平较高的人群,患大肠癌的概率比较低。维生素D摄取量较低的人群较维生素D摄取量较高的人群,大肠癌的发病率增加了67% [0.67 (95% CI, 0.54-0.80)]。血液中25(OH)D表达水平较低的人群较血液中25(OH)D表达较高的人群,患大肠癌的风险增加了33% [0.88 (95% CI, 0.80-0.96)]。同时,据Dose-Response线性分析发现:血清中25(OH)D表达水平每增加10ng/mL,大肠癌的相对发病风险将降低74% [0.74 (95% CI, 0.63-0.89)]。
近十年的流行病学调查研究表明,绝大多数成年人和许多儿童摄入维生素D的水平及循环血液中维生素D转化物25(OH)D表达水平存在严重不足。因此,通过此项研究分析,对于维生素D在预防大肠癌的发病风险中的重要作用将提供充足的证据。目前,上海交通大学附属六院的研究者正在利用从美国Jackson Laboratory公司引进的APCmin突变的自发性肠道成瘤小鼠,进一步分析维生素D在肠道肿瘤发生发展中的分子机制,初步的研究结果已经表明:维生素D可以使肠道肿瘤的数量减少和体积减小,潜在的分子机制可能由于维生素D缺乏时DNA合成受抑制,致使肠上皮细胞一种保护性蛋白β-儿茶素在细胞中的构建被破坏,但具体的分子机制尚在研究阶段。(生物谷 Bioon.com)
Association Between Vitamin D and Risk of Colorectal Cancer: A Systematic Review of Prospective Studies
Yanlei Ma, Peng Zhang, Feng Wang, Jianjun Yang, Zhihua Liu and Huanlong Qin⇓
Purpose To conduct a systematic review of prospective studies assessing the association of vitamin D intake or blood levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] with the risk of colorectal cancer using meta-analysis. Methods Relevant studies were identified by a search of MEDLINE and EMBASE databases before October 2010 with no restrictions. We included prospective studies that reported relative risk (RR) estimates with 95% CIs for the association between vitamin D intake or blood 25(OH)D levels and the risk of colorectal, colon, or rectal cancer. Approximately 1,000,000 participants from several countries were included in this analysis. Results Nine studies on vitamin D intake and nine studies on blood 25(OH)D levels were included in the meta-analysis. The pooled RRs of colorectal cancer for the highest versus lowest categories of vitamin D intake and blood 25(OH)D levels were 0.88 (95% CI, 0.80 to 0.96) and 0.67 (95% CI, 0.54 to 0.80), respectively. There was no heterogeneity among studies of vitamin D intake (P = .19) or among studies of blood 25(OH)D levels (P = .96). A 10 ng/mL increment in blood 25(OH)D level conferred an RR of 0.74 (95% CI, 0.63 to 0.89). Conclusion Vitamin D intake and blood 25(OH)D levels were inversely associated with the risk of colorectal cancer in this meta-analysis.