目前,久高古林的研究团队正在为下一步将进行的人体实验做准备,也在探寻将这种试剂用于识别其他癌细胞的可能性。来自美国加州大学圣迭戈癌症研究中心的迈克尔·布维博士认为,这个想法“很有吸引力”,有望大大改善卵巢癌手术的效果。(生物谷 Bioon.com)
Rapid Cancer Detection by Topically Spraying a γ-Glutamyltranspeptidase–Activated Fluorescent Probe
Urano, Yasuteru; Sakabe, Masayo; Kosaka, Nobuyuki; Ogawa, Mikako; Mitsunaga, Makoto; Asanuma, Daisuke; Kamiya, Mako; Young, Matthew R.; Nagano, Tetsuo; Choyke, Peter L.; Kobayashi, Hisataka
The ability of the unaided human eye to detect small cancer foci or accurate borders between cancer and normal tissue duringsurgery or endoscopy is limited. Fluorescent probes are useful for enhancing visualization of small tumors but are typicallylimited by either high background signal or the requirement for administration hours to days before use. We synthesized arapidly activatable, cancer-selective fluorescence imaging probe, γ-glutamyl hydroxymethyl rhodamine green (gGlu-HMRG), withintramolecular spirocyclic caging for complete quenching. Activation occurs by rapid one-step cleavage of glutamate with γ-glutamyltranspeptidase(GGT), which is not expressed in normal tissue, but is overexpressed on the cell membrane of various cancer cells, thus leadingto complete uncaging and dequenching of the fluorescence probe. In vitro activation of gGlu-HMRG was evident in 11 human ovariancancer cell lines tested. In vivo in mouse models of disseminated human peritoneal ovarian cancer, activation of gGlu-HMRGoccurred within 1 min of topically spraying the tumor, creating high signal contrast between the tumor and the background.The gGlu-HMRG probe is practical for clinical application during surgical or endoscopic procedures because of its rapid andstrong activation upon contact with GGT on the surface of cancer cells.