领导这一研究的是美国科学院院士,普林斯顿大学Arnold J. Levine教授,Levine教授是p53的发现人之一,在p53研究领域做了卓有成效的工作。
科研人员可能设计出发现一种恶性的前列腺癌的方法,迄今为止它还没有最佳的预后指标。病理学家目前使用Gleason分级系统为预后不良的病人分配较高的数字,但是相当数量的Gleason分级数字低的病人仍继续发展出了恶性的肿瘤。Arnold Levine及其同事使用来自2010年一项瑞典研究的信息,使用一种称为微阵列分析的技术比较了281例前列腺癌,这种技术同时测量了多种基因的表达水平。这组作者发现了与一系列的肿瘤特征有关联的基因表达特征,然后审视了出现在每一个病人的样本中的特征的组合。这种方法可以让这组作者把这个瑞典研究中的病人分成5种前列腺癌的子类型,每一个都有不同的预后结果。这组作者说,两种高风险的子类型占了大约11%和18%的病人,其中一些病人的预后不良,尽管他们的Gleason肿瘤评分较低。这组作者说,这些发现可能有朝一日帮助医生在病人最初接受诊断的时候发现他们的癌症。
研究人员发现具有TMPRSS2-ERG高表达水平加上前列腺特异性抗原-3或称PCA3的男性可能会罹患前列腺癌。这标志了前列腺癌检测技术的一个改进,因为目前的做法仅仅是检测血清中的PSA是否增加。但是血清PSA会在许多非癌症的情况下增高,从而导致误诊及不比要的活检。据称美国每年有超过一百万男子会做前列腺活检,其中大多数是因为其血清PSA浓度有所增加。研究人员发现,在那些已知血清PSA浓度增加的男性中,在活检之前进行TMPRSS2-ETS+ PC3尿液筛检可显著地改善对癌症的预测。(生物谷Bioon.com)
Molecular classification of prostate cancer using curated expression signatures
Elke K. Markerta, Hideaki Mizuno,Alexei Vazquez and Arnold J. Levine
High Gleason score is currently the best prognostic indicator for poor prognosis in prostate cancer. However, a significant number of patients with low Gleason scores develop aggressive disease as well. In an effort to understand molecular signatures associated with poor outcome in prostate cancer, we analyzed a microarray dataset characterizing 281 prostate cancers from a Swedish watchful-waiting cohort. Patients were classified on the basis of their mRNA microarray signature profiles indicating embryonic stem cell expression patterns (stemness), inactivation of the tumor suppressors p53 and PTEN, activation of several oncogenic pathways, and the TMPRSS2–ERG fusion. Unsupervised clustering identified a subset of tumors manifesting stem-like signatures together with p53 and PTEN inactivation, which had very poor survival outcome, a second group with intermediate survival outcome, characterized by the TMPRSS2–ERG fusion, and three groups with benign outcome. The stratification was validated on a second independent dataset of 150 tumor and metastatic samples from a clinical cohort at Memorial Sloan–Kettering Cancer Center. This classification is independent of Gleason score and therefore provides useful unique molecular profiles for prostate cancer prognosis, helping to predict poor outcome in patients with low or average Gleason scores.