一项由澳大利亚研究人员完成,发表在The American Journal of Epidemiology上的研究"Parental Prenatal Smoking and Risk of Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia"显示:如果爸爸经常在孩子周围抽烟,那么孩子患儿童癌症(白血病的一种)的风险至少会提高15%。
“研究结果表明,有一个‘老烟枪’爸爸,是孩子患ALL的风险因子之一。”由来自澳大利亚儿童健康研究院的Elizabeth Milne领衔的研究者们写道。
“长期生活在吸烟环境中与孩子得癌症之间的关联直到近期才为人们所知。” 研究者之一、来自加州大学的Patricia Buffler说。
Parental Prenatal Smoking and Risk of Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Elizabeth Milne, Kathryn R. Greenop, Rodney J. Scott, Helen D. Bailey, John Attia, Luciano Dalla-Pozza, Nicholas H. de Klerk and Bruce K. Armstrong
The association between parental smoking and risk of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) was investigated in an Australian population-based case-control study that included 388 cases and 868 controls aged <15 years, recruited from 2003 to 2006. Both of the child’s parents provided information about their smoking habits for each year from age 15 years to the child’s birth. Data were analyzed by logistic regression. Maternal smoking was not associated with risk of childhood ALL, but the odds ratio for paternal smoking of ≥15 cigarettes per day around the time of the child’s conception was 1.35 (95% confidence interval: 0.98, 1.86). The associations between parental smoking risk of childhood ALL did not differ substantially by immunophenotypic or cytogenetic subtype. Meta-analyses of paternal smoking, including results from the Australian Study of Causes of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Children and those of previous studies, produced summary odds ratios of 1.15 (95% confidence interval: 1.06, 1.24) for any paternal smoking around the time of the child’s conception and 1.44 (95% confidence interval: 1.24, 1.68) for smoking ≥20 cigarettes per day at that time. Study results suggest that heavier paternal smoking around the time of conception is a risk factor for childhood ALL. Men should be strongly encouraged to cease smoking, particularly when planning to start a family.