Conway Fellow,William Gallagher教授与它的研究团队,他们组成爱尔兰自然科学基金战略研究组--爱尔兰癌症分子治疗法,检测了1000多个乳腺癌患者。他们发现,相对于无CART蛋白或低水平CART蛋白的患者,具有高水平CART(可卡因-苯丙胺调节转录本)蛋白的患者用三苯氧胺治疗获得明显弱的效果。
三苯氧胺通过阻断乳腺癌细胞内雌二醇的生长启动作用而发挥药效。这项研究的结果发表在领先的科学期刊《Oncogene》上,叙述了CART怎样干涉和阻断三苯氧胺杀死癌细胞。资深科学家Darran O'Connor博士,也是研究的共第一作者,他评论说:"鉴定需要额外化疗的乳腺癌早期患者具有强烈的临床意义。我们相信,CART谱将使淋巴结阴性乳腺癌患者容易分层为高风险和低风险类别,从而允许个性化治疗。"
都柏林大学医学院国家产科医院的Donal Brennan博士,也是研究的共第一作者,他补充道,"我们清楚地指出,具有高CART表达肿瘤的绝经前与绝经后的乳腺癌早期患者用三苯氧胺治疗产生弱的疗效和不响应。
展望这项研究的未来,William Gallagher教授,也是癌症生物学副教授、Oncomark公司创始人与首席科学家,Oncomark公司为都柏林大学分子诊断衍生公司,他说:"作为翻译的研究工作者,我们的目标是把实验室发现带到临床中去。现在我们的目的是开发临床上认可的测试,使我们能鉴定出那些最受益于量身订做治疗方案的人,这些治疗方案依照患者的癌症CART状态而设计。(生物谷bioon.com)
The cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript mediates ligand-independent activation of ERα, and is an independent prognostic factor in node-negative breast cancer.
Brennan DJ, O'Connor DP, Laursen H, McGee SF, McCarthy S, Zagozdzon R, Rexhepaj E, Culhane AC, Martin FM, Duffy MJ, Landberg G, Ryden L, Hewitt SM,Kuhar MJ, Bernards R, Millikan RC, Crown JP, Jirstr?m K, Gallagher WM.
Abstract Personalized medicine requires the identification of unambiguous prognostic and predictive biomarkers to inform therapeutic decisions. Within this context, the management of lymph node-negative breast cancer is the subject of much debate with particular emphasis on the requirement for adjuvant chemotherapy. The identification of prognostic and predictive biomarkers in this group of patients is crucial. Here, we demonstrate by tissue microarray and automated image analysis that the cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) is expressed in primary and metastatic breast cancer and is an independent poor prognostic factor in estrogen receptor (ER)-positive, lymph node-negative tumors in two separate breast cancer cohorts (n=690; P=0.002, 0.013). We also show that CART increases the transcriptional activity of ERα in a ligand-independent manner via the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway and that CART stimulates an autocrine/paracrine loop within tumor cells to amplify the CART signal. Additionally, we demonstrate that CART expression in ER-positive breast cancer cell lines protects against tamoxifen-mediated cell death and that high CART expression predicts disease outcome in tamoxifen-treated patients in vivo in three independent breast cancer cohorts. We believe that CART profiling will help facilitate stratification of lymph node-negative breast cancer patients into high- and low-risk categories and allow for the personalization of therapy.