这种前沿性研究结合了三个研究小组的努力,其中就包括香港理工大学应用生物学和化学技术部门副教授Tao Ye领导的一个研究小组。这次突破可能有助于选择性移除癌干细胞 (cancer stem cell,译者注:也常译作肿瘤干细胞或癌症干细胞),潜在性地提供一种根除癌症的新策略。
癌症是中国和全世界人们死亡的一种主要原因,但是人们很难去除存在的癌症起始细胞/癌干细胞(cancer initiating cells/cancer stem cells)。尽管癌干细胞存在的数量非常少,但是它们能够增殖和自我更新,因而是多能性的和多向分化的,也就是它们有能力分化为组成全部肿瘤块的各种更加异质的癌细胞。作为干细胞,它们更加能够抵抗大多数常规的抗癌治疗如化疗或放疗,因为它们在细胞周期调控和DNA修复过程中存在差别。在常规癌症治疗后,它们也作为肿瘤转移和抗药物治疗的复发性癌症的来源。当前,还没有化学抑制物或其他试剂能够特异性地和选择性地靶向癌干细胞。开发靶向癌干细胞的化合物是治疗恶性癌症的迫切需求。
根据Ye博士的观点,新的LSD1抑制物具有潜在的临床应用:它们能够被用治疗恶性生殖细胞瘤如畸胎瘤、胚胎瘤(embryonic carcinoma)、精原细胞瘤、绒毛膜瘤和卵黄囊瘤。这些肿瘤通过手术或顺铂(cis-platinum)进行治疗,但是在初始治疗后,这些肿瘤总是变得能够抵抗顺铂药物。迄今为止,LSD1抑制物对这些具有干细胞性质的多能性癌细胞是高度有效的。LSD1抑制物可能也能够被用来移除干细胞治疗期间产生的畸胎瘤/胚胎瘤。干细胞或诱导性多功能干细胞(iPSC)治疗的一个主要问题就是胚胎干细胞或诱导性多功能干细胞在受者器官中不完全分化产生胚胎瘤/畸胎瘤。因为LSD1抑制物选择性地抑制这些多能性胚胎瘤和畸胎瘤,所以LSD1抑制物可能有助于确保干细胞治疗的成功应用。更重要的是,因为畸胎瘤/胚胎瘤是多能性癌干细胞,研究人员将会去研究其他器官特异性的癌症如乳腺癌、卵巢癌、肺癌和脑癌的癌干细胞是否也对LSD1抑制物敏感。进一步研究表明LSD1抑制物也能够被用来抑制很多癌干细胞样细胞诸如乳腺癌和卵巢癌。
作为一名化学生物学领域的科学带头人,Tao Ye博士已获得香港研究资助局(Research Grants Council)的大量资金资助。从2010年开始,他已在影响因子大于5的顶尖研究期刊上发表12篇原创性研究论文。
Tao Ye博士的抗癌药物项目也得到方树福堂基金会(Fong Shu Fook Tong Foundation)和郭谢碧蓉基金会(Joyce M. Kuok Foundation)的慷慨资助。(生物谷:towersimper编译)
Novel Histone Demethylase LSD1 Inhibitors Selectively Target Cancer Cells with Pluripotent Stem Cell Properties
Jing Wang, Fei Lu, Qi Ren, Hong Sun, Zhengshuang Xu, Rongfeng Lan, Yuqing Liu, David Ward, Junmin Quan, Tao Ye, and Hui Zhang
Histone modification determines epigenetic patterns of gene expression with methylation of histone H3 at lysine 4 (H3K4) often associated with active promoters. LSD1/KDM1 is a histone demethylase that suppresses gene expression by converting dimethylated H3K4 to mono- and unmethylated H3K4. LSD1 is essential for metazoan development, but its pathophysiologic functions in cancer remain mainly uncharacterized. In this study, we developed specific bioactive small inhibitors of LSD1 that enhance H3K4 methylation and derepress epigenetically suppressed genes in vivo. Strikingly, these compounds inhibited the proliferation of pluripotent cancer cells including teratocarcinoma, embryonic carcinoma, and seminoma or embryonic stem cells that express the stem cell markers Oct4 and Sox2 while displaying minimum growth-inhibitory effects on non-pluripotent cancer or normal somatic cells. RNA interference–mediated knockdown of LSD1 expression phenocopied these effects, confirming the specificity of small molecules and further establishing the high degree of sensitivity and selectivity of pluripotent cancer cells to LSD1 ablation. In support of these results, we found that LSD1 protein level is highly elevated in pluripotent cancer cells and in human testicular seminoma tissues that express Oct4. Using these novel chemical inhibitors as probes, our findings establish LSD1 and histone H3K4 methylation as essential cancer-selective epigenetic targets in cancer cells that have pluripotent stem cell properties.