人们经常在癌细胞中发现细胞核外染色体。不过根据2012年1月18日发表在《自然》期刊上的一项研究,美国达纳法伯癌症研究所(Dana-Farber Cancer Institute)研究人员发现细胞核外染色体可能在癌症形成上也发挥着一种作用。在细胞质中染色体被它们自己的膜包围,在细胞分裂期间有着较高的断裂率和重排率,从而潜在性地促进癌症转换。
该研究论文通讯作者David Pellman说,尽管染色体片段的错误整合只发生“少数的人癌症中,但是我们的研究发现提示着它或许是一类可能更加常见的染色体损伤的一种极端例子”。(生物谷:towersimper编译)
DNA breaks and chromosome pulverization from errors in mitosis
Karen Crasta, Neil J. Ganem, Regina Dagher, Alexandra B. Lantermann, Elena V. Ivanova, Yunfeng Pan, Luigi Nezi, Alexei Protopopov, Dipanjan Chowdhury & David Pellman
The involvement of whole-chromosome aneuploidy in tumorigenesis is the subject of debate, in large part because of the lack of insight into underlying mechanisms. Here we identify a mechanism by which errors in mitotic chromosome segregation generate DNA breaks via the formation of structures called micronuclei. Whole-chromosome-containing micronuclei form when mitotic errors produce lagging chromosomes. We tracked the fate of newly generated micronuclei and found that they undergo defective and asynchronous DNA replication, resulting in DNA damage and often extensive fragmentation of the chromosome in the micronucleus. Micronuclei can persist in cells over several generations but the chromosome in the micronucleus can also be distributed to daughter nuclei. Thus, chromosome segregation errors potentially lead to mutations and chromosome rearrangements that can integrate into the genome. Pulverization of chromosomes in micronuclei may also be one explanation for ‘chromothripsis’ in cancer and developmental disorders, where isolated chromosomes or chromosome arms undergo massive local DNA breakage and rearrangement.