由加州大学河滨分校的Frances Sladek和澳大利亚悉尼大学的Graham Robertson带领,该研究团队分析了约450个人结肠癌样本,并在近80%的样本中发现名为HNF4A的基因突变体失去平衡。
此研究结果最近在线发表在期刊Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences上。
"结肠中核P1突变体HNF4a蛋白丧失可能是结肠癌的早期迹象", 细胞生物学教授与毒理学家Sladek解释说,"健康结肠有2个HNF4a突变体好但精妙的平衡。如果你能通过药物阻止P1突变体丧失,你可能能维持正常结肠并防止结肠癌"。
"有特定SNP的个人可能对结肠癌更易感", 该研究的第一作者、Sladek 实验室的一名博士后研究人员Karthikeyani Chellappa说,"这是因为这些SNP导致大量变更和HNF4a被Scr更快降解,至少在基于细胞的实验中。然而,携带有这些SNP的个人是否确实对结肠更易感些还需要调查研究。
"这些药物中的一些在结肠癌的临床试验中",她说,"确定这些药物是否能维持P1 HNF4a蛋白水平也抑制Src激酶活性将很令人兴奋"。
Sladek,Chellappa 和 Robertson均加入了这项研究,其中这项研究由面这些人员开展:UCR的Songqin Pan 和 Jake M. Schnabl,澳大利亚悉尼大学的Lucy Jankova,Caroline L-S. Fung,Charles Chan, Owen F. Dent 和 Stephen J. Clarke,法国伊尔基希遗传学/分子和细胞生物学研究所的Yann Brelivet。Robertson和研究团队的澳大利亚成员进行了人类肿瘤样本的所有分析。
Src tyrosine kinase phosphorylation of nuclear receptor HNF4 correlates with isoform-specific loss of HNF4 in human colon cancer
K. Chellappa, L. Jankova, J. M. Schnabl, S. Pan, Y. Brelivet, C. L.-S. Fung, C. Chan, O. F. Dent, S. J. Clarke, G. R. Robertson, F. M. Sladek
ABSTRACT Src tyrosine kinase has long been implicated in colon cancer but much remains to be learned about its substrates. The nuclear receptor hepatocyte nuclear factor 4α (HNF4α) has just recently been implicated in colon cancer but its role is poorly defined. Here we show that c-Src phosphorylates human HNF4α on three tyrosines in an interdependent and isoform-specific fashion. The initial phosphorylation site is a Tyr residue (Y14) present in the N-terminal A/B domain of P1- but not P2-driven HNF4α. Phospho-Y14 interacts with the Src SH2 domain, leading to the phosphorylation of two additional tyrosines in the ligand binding domain (LBD) in P1-HNF4α. Phosphomimetic mutants in the LBD decrease P1-HNF4α protein stability, nuclear localization and transactivation function. Immunohistochemical analysis of approximately 450 human colon cancer specimens (Stage III) reveals that P1-HNF4α is either lost or localized in the cytoplasm in approximately 80% of tumors, and that staining for active Src correlates with those events in a subset of samples. Finally, three SNPs in the human HNF4α protein, two of which are in the HNF4α F domain that interacts with the Src SH3 domain, increase phosphorylation by Src and decrease HNF4α protein stability and function, suggesting that individuals with those variants may be more susceptible to Src-mediated effects. This newly identified interaction between Src kinase and HNF4α has important implications for colon and other cancers.