鉴于当前大多数抗癌治疗方法直接攻击癌细胞,研究人员认为这些发现给研究一种促进机体免疫系统对抗疾病的新抗癌方法提供大量证据。然而,研究人员也强调这只是一项早期研究,在最终让病人受益之前还需开展更多的研究。这些研究发现发表在British Journal of Cancer期刊上。
该研究第一作者Wai Liu博士说,“当前,药物通过攻击肿瘤细胞本身或者通过破坏肿瘤与身体之间的物理相互作用来对抗癌症。然而只有极少数药物靶向来自中肿瘤细胞和构成肿瘤微环境的那些细胞之间发送的信号。部分上,这是因为人们对这些信号知之甚少。这项研究告诉我们一些关于癌症如何形成的信息并提供一种进一步探索的途径。它还提示着现存的药物可能能够以不同的方式对抗癌症。尽管这些只是初步的研究发现,而且确实还需要开展更多研究,但是它们促进人们在锻炼身体自己的免疫系统对抗癌症方面越来越感兴趣,而且有望为未来利用这种方法开出抗癌药物提供基础。” (生物谷:towersimper编译)
Supernatants derived from chemotherapy-treated cancer cell lines can modify angiogenesis
W M Liu, J L Dennis, A M Gravett, C Chanthirakumar, E Kaminska, G Coulton, D W Fowler, M Bodman-Smith and A G Dalgleish
background: There is evidence that tumours produce substances such as cytokines and microvesicular bodies bearing bioactive molecules, which support the carcinogenic process. Furthermore, chemotherapy has also been shown to modify these exudates and in doing so, neutralise their tumourigenic influence.
methods: In the current study, we have investigated the effect of chemotherapy agents on modifying the cytokine profile and microvesicular cargo of supernatants derived from cancer cell lines. In addition, we have explored the effect of these tumour-derived supernatants on angiogenesis, and how chemotherapy can alter the supernatants rendering them less pro-angiogenic.
results: Herein, we show that supernatants contain a rich cocktail of cytokines, a number of which are potent modulators of angiogenesis. They also contain microvesicular bodies containing RNA transcripts that code for proteins involved in transcription, immune modulation and angiogenesis. These supernatants altered intracellular signalling molecules in endothelial cells and significantly enhanced their tubulogenic character; however, this was severely compromised when supernatants from tumours treated with chemotherapy was used instead.
conclusion: This study suggests tumour exudates and bioactive material from tumours can influence cellular functions, and that treatment with some chemotherapy can serve to negate these pro-tumourigenic processes.