三叶因子3(trefoil factor 3, TFF3)蛋白在正常乳腺中保护和维持上皮组织表面的完整性。一项新研究发现尽管TFF3蛋白在分化很好的低度肿瘤中较高表达,但是它在乳腺癌浸润和转移中发挥着一种更加险恶的作用。这些研究结果在线发表在2012年3月那期The American Journal of Pathology期刊上。
英国纽卡斯尔大学病理学系研究人员Felicity E.B. May教授说,“我们的研究发现提示着TFF3被雌激素所调节和在乳腺上皮组织中发挥着有益作用。我们提出在乳腺癌变早期,TFF3与乳腺上皮细胞的正常功能保持关联。随后,随着肿瘤细胞分化能力丢失,TFF3的功能改为促进肿瘤发展、浸润和淋巴结转移。”
重要的是,研究人员也评估了TFF3作为淋巴血管浸润和淋巴结转移的生物标记物的潜力。他们发现相比于他们分析的其他标记物,TFF3有着更强的预测能力,包括肿瘤恶性程度、发病年龄、肿瘤大小和类型以及雌激素和黄体素(progesterone)受体水平。May博士作下结论,“我们的研究加强了这种观点:TFF3表达水平值得作为一种预后标记物和一种治疗反应的预测性标记物进行评价。它的恶性作用将可能在患有激素反应性癌症(hormone-responsive cancer)的女性中通过辅助性内分泌治疗得以减轻。然而,利用TFF3作为一种激素反应性的标记物还需要进行评估。” (生物谷:towersimper编译)
TFF3 Is a Normal Breast Epithelial Protein and Is Associated with Differentiated Phenotype in Early Breast Cancer but Predisposes to Invasion and Metastasis in Advanced Disease
A.R.H. Ahmed, A.B. Griffiths, M.T. Tilby, B.R. Westley, and F.E.B. May
The trefoil protein TFF3 stimulates invasion and angiogenesis in vitro. To determine whether it has a role in breast tumor metastasis and angiogenesis, its levels were measured by immunohistochemistry in breast tissue with a specific monoclonal antibody raised against human TFF3. TFF3 is expressed in normal breast lobules and ducts, at higher levels in areas of fibrocystic change and papillomas, in all benign breast disease lesions, and in 89% of in situ and in 83% of invasive carcinomas. In well-differentiated tumor cells, TFF3 is concentrated at the luminal edge, whereas in poorly differentiated cells polarity is inverted and expression is directed toward the stroma. Expression was high in well-differentiated tumors and was associated significantly with low histological grade and with estrogen and progesterone receptor expression, accordant with induction of TFF3 mRNA by estrogen in breast cancer cells. Paradoxically, TFF3 expression was associated with muscle, neural, and lymphovascular invasion and the presence and number of involved lymph nodes, and it was an independent predictive marker of lymphovascular invasion and lymph node involvement. Consistent with an angiogenic function, TFF3 expression correlated strongly with microvessel density evaluated with CD31 and CD34. In conclusion, TFF3 is expressed in both the normal and diseased breast. Although associated with features of good prognosis, its profile of expression in invasive cancer is consistent with a role in breast tumor progression and tumor cell dissemination.