2012年3月17日,北京生命科学研究所李夏璐研究小组在《FEBS Letters》杂志在线发表文章,报道了癌症抑制因子RBM5与剪接因子DHX15直接相互作用,从而提高了DHX15核酸解旋酶的活性。
本文首先通过免疫共沉淀的方法,发现了两个重要的剪接体组份:PRP19和DHX15是RBM5的两个新的核内结合蛋白。进一步体外实验证实,RBM5与这两个剪接因子之间存在着直接的相互作用并能有效促进DHX15的解旋酶活性。解旋酶直接参与动态调控剪接复合体成熟过程中发生的一系列RNA:蛋白和RNA:RNA相互作用。这项工作提示了RBM5参与剪接调控的可能作用机理,为RBM5的生物学功能研究提供了新的线索和依据。(生物谷 bioon.com)
Tumor suppressor RBM5 directly interacts with the DExD/H-box protein DHX15 and stimulates its helicase activity
Zhaoyang Niua, Wenxing Jinb, Libo Zhang, Xialu Li
RNA binding motif protein 5 (RBM5) is a candidate tumor suppressor gene. Recent studies showed that RBM5 functions as an alternative splicing regulator of apoptosis-related genes. Here, we identify DHX15 and PRP19, two spliceosome components, as novel RBM5-interacting partners. We then show that the G-patch domain of RBM5 is indispensable for its ability to interact with DHX15. Strikingly, we find that RBM5 stimulates the helicase activity of DHX15 in a G patch domain-dependent manner in vitro. Helicase activities play critical roles in modulating pre-mRNA splicing. Our findings thus suggest a new mechanism underlying the regulatory roles of RBM5 in pre-mRNA splicing.