近日,《胸部肿瘤学杂志》(Journal of Thoracic Oncology)发的一项研究表明,对10种肺癌血清生物标志物进行检查可更准确地判断CT发现的结节,避免侵入性活检和X线随访。
在这项探索性研究中,匹兹堡大学的William L. Bigbee博士及其同事将来自匹兹堡大学癌症研究所乔治亚·库珀肺研究登记系统的“训练集”56例非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)病例与来自匹兹堡肺筛查研究(PLuSS)的56名肺癌高危志愿对照者匹配。已知所有对照者均没有癌症。研究者随后对2组的血清样本进行分析,检查70种潜在癌症相关生物标志物的存在情况。
研究者然后又在原有8种生物标志物基础上,增加了细胞角蛋白片段19-9和血清淀粉样蛋白A 这2种生物标志物,并且对另外的盲法“验证集”中的病例和对照各30例进行了评价。
A Multiplexed Serum Biomarker Immunoassay Panel Discriminates Clinical Lung Cancer Patients from High-Risk Individuals Found to be Cancer-Free by CT Screening
Bigbee, William L. PhD, Gopalakrishnan, Vanathi PhD, Weissfeld, Joel L. MD, MPH, Wilson, David O. MD, MPH,; Dacic, Sanja MD, PhD, Lokshin, Anna E. PhD, Siegfried, Jill M. PhD
Introduction: Clinical decision making in the setting of computed tomography (CT) screening could benefit from accessible biomarkers that help predict the level of lung cancer risk in high-risk individuals with indeterminate pulmonary nodules.
Methods: To identify candidate serum biomarkers, we measured 70 cancer-related proteins by Luminex xMAP (Luminex Corporation) multiplexed immunoassays in a training set of sera from 56 patients with biopsy-proven primary non–small-cell lung cancer and 56 age-, sex-, and smoking-matched CT-screened controls.
Results: We identified a panel of 10 serum biomarkers—prolactin, transthyretin, thrombospondin-1, E-selectin, C-C motif chemokine 5, macrophage migration inhibitory factor, plasminogen activator inhibitor, receptor tyrosine-protein kinase, erbb-2, cytokeratin fragment 21.1, and serum amyloid A—that distinguished lung cancer patients from controls with an estimated balanced accuracy (average of sensitivity and specificity) of 76.0 ± 3.8% from 20-fold internal cross-validation. We then iteratively evaluated this model in an independent test and verification case/control studies confirming the initial classification performance of the panel. The classification performance of the 10-biomarker panel was also analytically validated using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays in a second independent case/control population, further validating the robustness of the panel.
Conclusions: The performance of this 10-biomarker panel–based model was 77.1% sensitivity/76.2% specificity in cross-validation in the expanded training set, 73.3% sensitivity/93.3% specificity (balanced accuracy 83.3%) in the blinded verification set with the best discriminative performance in stage I/II cases: 85% sensitivity (balanced accuracy 89.2%). Importantly, the rate of misclassification of CT-screened controls was not different in most control subgroups with or without airflow obstruction or emphysema or pulmonary nodules. These biomarkers have potential to aid in the early detection of lung cancer and more accurate interpretation of indeterminate pulmonary nodules detected by CT screening.