“我们试图通过寻找建立针对每一个人的分子肖像以及通过测定血液中多种蛋白的浓度并且识别标记的分子来克服当前每个不同的人之间的差异性,研究者David Juncker表示,因此,我们基于以上方法,组合出了一种特异性的资政指纹的方法,但是,目前并没有可靠的标记物组,也没有相应的可用实验,我们的目标是解决此问题,近日,研究者的最新研究成果刊登于国际著名杂志Molecular & Cellular Proteomics上。
研究者Mateu Pla-Roca通过分析当前存在的测定血液中多种蛋白质的技术,发明出了一种模型用来描述其弱点和局限性。尤其是研究者发现了为什么蛋白质靶标的数量可以被测出,同时也可以被限制,而且这些实验的精确度和重复性对于改进实验具有大的挑战性。研究小组发明出了一种基于微流体的微阵列技术可以改进以上技术的限制,运用这种新方法,对于测定血液中许多蛋白质标记物来说变得可能,而且可以最大程度减小错误结果出现的可能性。
Antibody Colocalization Microarray: A Scalable Technology for Multiplex Protein Analysis in Complex Samples*
M. Pla-Roca‡§, R. F. Leulmi‡§, S. Tourekhanova‡§, S. Bergeron‡§, V. Laforte‡§¶, E. Moreau‡§, S. J. C. Gosline‖,**, N. Bertos‖‡‡, M. Hallett‖,**, M. Park‖‡‡§§¶¶ and D. Juncker‡§¶‖‖
DNA microarrays were rapidly scaled up from 256 to 6.5 million targets, and although antibody microarrays were proposed earlier, sensitive multiplex sandwich assays have only been scaled up to a few tens of targets. Cross-reactivity, arising because detection antibodies are mixed, is a known weakness of multiplex sandwich assays that is mitigated by lengthy optimization. Here, we introduce (1) vulnerability as a metric for assays. The vulnerability of multiplex sandwich assays to cross-reactivity increases quadratically with the number of targets, and together with experimental results, substantiates that scaling up of multiplex sandwich assays is unfeasible. We propose (2) a novel concept for multiplexing without mixing named antibody colocalization microarray (ACM). In ACMs, both capture and detection antibodies are physically colocalized by spotting to the same two-dimensional coordinate. Following spotting of the capture antibodies, the chip is removed from the arrayer, incubated with the sample, placed back onto the arrayer and then spotted with the detection antibodies. ACMs with up to 50 targets were produced, along with a binding curve for each protein. The ACM was validated by comparing it to ELISA and to a small-scale, conventional multiplex sandwich assay (MSA). Using ACMs, proteins in the serum of breast cancer patients and healthy controls were quantified, and six candidate biomarkers identified. Our results indicate that ACMs are sensitive, robust, and scalable.