4月3日,《内科学年鉴》(Annals of Internal Medicine)杂志发表的一项研究结果表明,乳房X线筛查可能与15%~25%的“过度诊断性”乳腺癌有关。哈佛公共卫生学院的Mette Kalager博士介绍,这与既往其他国家的研究结果一致,后者报告的估计过度诊断率为0%~54%不等,随机对照试验报告的过度诊断率约为30%。
华盛顿大学的Joann G. Elmore博士和哈佛医学院的Suzanne W. Fletcher博士在随刊述评中指出:“没必要太纠结于过度诊断的确切范围,当务之急是意识到任何程度的过度诊断都是严重的,必须尽快解决这一问题。”一种减少过度诊断的方法是,调整乳房X线检查结果的“异常”阈值。同时,对于确定的病变可以建议继续严密观察而不必立即活检(Ann. Intern. Med. 2012;156:536-7)。“我们有义务告知女性这种过度诊断现象,而实际上多数患者教育都没有提及这一问题。”
Overdiagnosis of Invasive Breast Cancer Due to Mammography Screening: Results From the Norwegian Screening Program
Mette Kalager, MD; Hans-Olov Adami, MD, PhD; Michael Bretthauer, MD, PhD; and Rulla M. Tamimi, ScD
Background: Precise quantification of overdiagnosis of breast cancer (defined as the percentage of cases of cancer that would not have become clinically apparent in a woman's lifetime without screening) due to mammography screening has been hampered by lack of valid comparison groups that identify incidence trends attributable to screening versus those due to temporal trends in incidence.
Objective: To estimate the percentage of overdiagnosis of breast cancer attributable to mammography screening.
Design: Comparison of invasive breast cancer incidence with and without screening.
Setting: A nationwide mammography screening program in Norway (inviting women aged 50 to 69 years), gradually implemented from 1996 to 2005.
Participants: The Norwegian female population.
Measurements: Concomitant incidence of invasive breast cancer from 1996 to 2005 in counties where the screening program was implemented compared with that in counties where the program was not yet implemented. To adjust for changes in temporal trends in breast cancer incidence, incidence rates during the preceding decade were also examined. The percentage of overdiagnosis was calculated by accounting for the expected decrease in incidence following cessation of screening after age 69 years (approach 1) and by comparing incidence in the current screening group with incidence among women 2 and 5 years older in the historical screening groups, accounting for average lead time (approach 2).
Results: A total of 39 888 patients with invasive breast cancer were included, 7793 of whom were diagnosed after the screening program started. The estimated rate of overdiagnosis attributable to the program was 18% to 25% (P < 0.001) for approach 1 and 15% to 20% (P < 0.001) for approach 2. Thus, 15% to 25% of cases of cancer are overdiagnosed, translating to 6 to 10 women overdiagnosed for every 2500 women invited.