一种无毒的植物配方能抑制小鼠体内的人前列腺肿瘤,相关研究论文发表在The International Journal of Oncology杂志上。美国印第安纳大学卫研究所研究人员发现这一抑制前列腺的配方能显着抑制肿瘤生长,在侵袭性的激素抵抗性(雄激素非依赖性)人前列腺癌细胞。这项研究还表明该配方即使在高剂量情况下也没有毒副作用。
研究员和配方的发明者Isaac Eliaz博士说:这项研究是一个里程碑,研究证明这一配方的安全性以及治疗人前列腺癌动物模型的有效性。这些积极成果为前列腺癌研究做出了重大贡献,目前越来越多的数据证实天然化合物在治疗前列腺癌中有作用。
Daniel Sliva说:多项研究已经证明这种抑制前列腺癌的配方可能治疗激素抵抗性(雄激素非依赖性)前列腺癌。
ProstaCaid inhibits tumor growth in a xenograft model of human prostate cancer
Jiahua Jiang, Jagadish Loganathan, Isaac Eliaz, Colin Terry, George E. Sandusky, Daniel Sliva
We have recently demonstrated that the dietary supplement ProstaCaid(PC) inhibits growth and invasive behavior of PC-3 human prostate cancer cells in vitro. In the present study, we evaluated toxicity and whether PC suppresses growth of prostate cancer in a xenograft model of human prostate cancer cells implanted in mice. Here, we show that an oral administration of PC (100, 200 and 400 mg/kg) did not affect body weight or activity of liver enzymes (ALT, AST) and did not show any sign of toxicity in liver, spleen, kidney, lung and heart tissues in mice. In addition, PC treatment resulted in the inhibition of tumor volumes (1024.6±378.6 vs. 749.3±234.3, P<0.001) in a xenograft model of prostate cancer with human hormone refractory (independent) PC-3 prostate cancer cells. Moreover, qRT-PCR analysis demonstrated significant upregulation of expression of CDKN1A (p21) and inhibition of expression of IGF2, NR2F2 and PLAU (uPA) genes by an oral administration of PC in prostate cancer xenografts. Our study demonstrates that the concentrations of the dietary supplement ProstaCaid tested did not show signs of toxicity, and its oral application has significant anticancer activity in vivo and can be considered as an alternative treatment for prostate cancer patients.