麻省总医院放射肿瘤科斯蒂尔肿瘤生物学实验室Vikash P. Chauhan说:我们发现血管正常化不仅促进了最小的纳米药物进入癌细胞,我们还发现最小的纳米药物天生就比大的纳米药物能更容易穿透肿瘤组织,这表明小的纳米药物可能是治疗癌症的理想选择。
美国哈佛大学工程与应用科学专业学生Chauhan说:目前在临床试验中使用或多种抗癌纳米药物,我们的研究结果表明小的纳米药物结合抗血管生成疗法可能有协同效应。斯蒂尔实验室主任Rakesh K. Jain博士表示:我们的研究提供指引上如何结合纳米药物与抗血管生成药物。(生物谷:Bioon.com)
Normalization of tumour blood vessels improves the delivery of nanomedicines in a size-dependent manner
Vikash P. Chauhan,Triantafyllos Stylianopoulos,John D. Martin,Zoran Popovi,Ou Chen,Walid S. Kamoun,Moungi G. Bawendi,Dai Fukumura& Rakesh K. Jain
The blood vessels of cancerous tumours are leaky1, 2, 3 and poorly organized4, 5, 6, 7. This can increase the interstitial fluid pressure inside tumours and reduce blood supply to them, which impairs drug delivery8, 9. Anti-angiogenic therapies—which ‘normalize’ the abnormal blood vessels in tumours by making them less leaky—have been shown to improve the delivery and effectiveness of chemotherapeutics with low molecular weights10, but it remains unclear whether normalizing tumour vessels can improve the delivery of nanomedicines. Here, we show that repairing the abnormal vessels in mammary tumours, by blocking vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2, improves the delivery of smaller nanoparticles (diameter, 12 nm) while hindering the delivery of larger nanoparticles (diameter, 125 nm). Using a mathematical model, we show that reducing the sizes of pores in the walls of vessels through normalization decreases the interstitial fluid pressure in tumours, thus allowing small nanoparticles to enter them more rapidly. However, increased steric and hydrodynamic hindrances, also associated with smaller pores, make it more difficult for large nanoparticles to enter tumours. Our results further suggest that smaller (~12 nm) nanomedicines are ideal for cancer therapy due to their superior tumour penetration.