据物理学家组织网4月16日(北京时间)报道,斯坦福大学医学院的科学家发现,一种黄金纳米粒子能在脑部肿瘤“安家”,同时对3种不同的成像方式可见,精确显示肿瘤的轮廓,使小鼠脑瘤的移除提升至前所未有的精度。相关研究报告发表在4月15日的《自然·医学》Nature Medicine杂志网络版上。
A brain tumor molecular imaging strategy using a new triple-modality MRI-photoacoustic-Raman nanoparticle
Moritz F Kircher, Adam de la Zerda, Jesse V Jokerst, Cristina L Zavaleta, Paul J Kempen, Erik Mittra, Ken Pitter, Ruimin Huang, Carl Campos, Frezghi Habte, Robert Sinclair, Cameron W Brennan, Ingo K Mellinghoff, Eric C Holland & Sanjiv S Gambhir
The difficulty in delineating brain tumor margins is a major obstacle in the path toward better outcomes for patients with brain tumors. Current imaging methods are often limited by inadequate sensitivity, specificity and spatial resolution. Here we show that a unique triple-modality magnetic resonance imaging–photoacoustic imaging–Raman imaging nanoparticle (termed here MPR nanoparticle) can accurately help delineate the margins of brain tumors in living mice both preoperatively and intraoperatively. The MPRs were detected by all three modalities with at least a picomolar sensitivity both in vitro and in living mice. Intravenous injection of MPRs into glioblastoma-bearing mice led to MPR accumulation and retention by the tumors, with no MPR accumulation in the surrounding healthy tissue, allowing for a noninvasive tumor delineation using all three modalities through the intact skull. Raman imaging allowed for guidance of intraoperative tumor resection, and a histological correlation validated that Raman imaging was accurately delineating the brain tumor margins. This new triple-modality–nanoparticle approach has promise for enabling more accurate brain tumor imaging and resection.