TNF-α已被证明能提高肿瘤的化疗反应,但到现在为止科学家不明白其中机制。这项研究首次揭示了低剂量TNF-α在肿瘤中是如何发挥作用的,其增强化疗反应的作用或许与免疫有关。 (生物谷:Bioon.com)
Tumor-targeted TNFα stabilizes tumor vessels and enhances active immunotherapy
Anna Johanssona, Juliana Hamzahb, Christine J. Paynea, and Ruth Ganssa
Solid tumors are intrinsically resistant to immune rejection. Abnormal tumor vasculature can act as a barrier for immune cell migration into tumors. We tested whether targeting IFNγ and/or TNFα into pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors can alleviate immune suppression. We found that intratumoral IFNγ causes rapid vessel loss, which does not support anti-tumor immunity. In contrast, low-dose TNFα enhances T-cell infiltration and overall survival, an effect that is exclusively mediated by CD8+ effector cells. Intriguingly, lymphocyte influx does not correlate with increased vessel leakiness. Instead, low-dose TNFα stabilizes the vascular network and improves vessel perfusion. Inflammatory vessel remodeling is, at least in part, mediated by tumor-resident macrophages that are reprogrammed to secrete immune and angiogenic modulators. Moreover, inflammatory vessel remodeling with low-dose TNFα substantially improves antitumor vaccination or adoptive T-cell therapy. Thus, low-dose TNFα promotes both vessel remodeling and antitumor immune responses and acts as a potent adjuvant for active immunotherapy.