近日,A*STAR研究所分子与细胞生物学教授Emilie Bard-Chapeau等人使用系统生物学的方法,确定了EVI1控制的肿瘤相关基因。这一发现可能导致出现新的治疗药物,以抗击各种形式的癌症。
值得注意的是,研究人员探究了EVI1和FOS之间的关联性,FOS是激活蛋白1(AP 1)转录因子的主要构成成员之一。在细胞模型上的实验表明EVI1和FOS相互作用共同调控许多肿瘤的标志物,晚期卵巢癌患者采取后续分析研究后发现EVI1和AP1也都富集表达。
Ecotopic viral integration site 1 (EVI1) regulates multiple cellular processes important for cancer and is a synergistic partner for FOS protein in invasive tumors
Emilie A. Bard-Chapeaua, Justin Jeyakanib, Chung H. Kokc, Julius Mullera, Belinda Q. Chuaa, Jayantha Gunaratnea, Arsen Batagovd, et al.
Ecotropic viral integration site 1 (EVI1) is an oncogenic dual domain zinc finger transcription factor that plays an essential role in the regulation of hematopoietic stem cell renewal, and its overexpression in myeloid leukemia and epithelial cancers is associated with poor patient survival. Despite the discovery of EVI1 in 1988 and its emerging role as a dominant oncogene in various types of cancer, few EVI1 target genes are known. This lack of knowledge has precluded a clear understanding of exactly how EVI1 contributes to cancer. Using a combination of ChIP-Seq and microarray studies in human ovarian carcinoma cells, we show that the two zinc finger domains of EVI1 bind to DNA independently and regulate different sets of target genes. Strikingly, an enriched fraction of EVI1 target genes are cancer genes or genes associated with cancer. We also show that more than 25% of EVI1-occupied genes contain linked EVI1 and activator protein (AP)1 DNA binding sites, and this finding provides evidence for a synergistic cooperative interaction between EVI1 and the AP1 family member FOS in the regulation of cell adhesion, proliferation, and colony formation. An increased number of dual EVI1/AP1 target genes are also differentially regulated in late-stage ovarian carcinomas, further confirming the importance of the functional cooperation between EVI1 and FOS. Collectively, our data indicate that EVI1 is a multipurpose transcription factor that synergizes with FOS in invasive tumors.