4月9日,《内科学文献》(Archives of Internal Medicine)发表的一项研究表明,对于结直肠癌中危患者,如果仅建议其进行结肠镜检查,则患者对筛查的依从性较低,而如果让其自行从结肠镜检查和粪便潜血试验(FOBT)中选择一种,则患者对筛查的依从性较高。
在这项研究中,华盛顿大学胃肠科的John M. Inadomi博士及其同事纳入997例结直肠癌中危受试者。研究者让公共卫生诊所的初级保健医生对例行就诊的这些受试者随机提出3种结直肠癌筛查建议之一:仅进行结肠镜检查,或仅进行粪便潜血试验(FOBT),或两者选其一。这些患者的平均年龄为58岁(50岁~79岁),53%为女性,34%为西班牙裔,30%为亚裔(主要为华人)、18%为美国黑人、15%为白人、4%为其他人种/族裔。
Adherence to Colorectal Cancer Screening:A Randomized Clinical Trial of Competing Strategies
John M. Inadomi, MD, MD; Sandeep Vijan, MD, MS, MD, MS; Nancy K. Janz, PhD, PhD; Angela Fagerlin, PhD, PhD; Jennifer P. Thomas, BS, BS; Yunghui V. Lin, RN, MA, RN, MA; Roxana Muoz; Chim Lau, BA, BA; Ma Somsouk, MD, MAS, MD, MAS; Najwa El-Nachef, MD, MD; Rodney A. Hayward, MD, MD
Background Despite evidence that several colorectal cancer (CRC) screening strategies can reduce CRC mortality, screening rates remain low. This study aimed to determine whether the approach by which screening is recommended influences adherence.
Methods We used a cluster randomization design with clinic time block as the unit of randomization. Persons at average risk for development of CRC in a racially/ethnically diverse urban setting were randomized to receive recommendation for screening by fecal occult blood testing (FOBT), colonoscopy, or their choice of FOBT or colonoscopy. The primary outcome was completion of CRC screening within 12 months after enrollment, defined as performance of colonoscopy, or 3 FOBT cards plus colonoscopy for any positive FOBT result. Secondary analyses evaluated sociodemographic factors associated with completion of screening.
Results A total of 997 participants were enrolled; 58% completed the CRC screening strategy they were assigned or chose. However, participants who were recommended colonoscopy completed screening at a significantly lower rate (38%) than participants who were recommended FOBT (67%) (P < .001) or given a choice between FOBT or colonoscopy (69%) (P < .001). Latinos and Asians (primarily Chinese) completed screening more often than African Americans. Moreover, nonwhite participants adhered more often to FOBT, while white participants adhered more often to colonoscopy.
Conclusions The common practice of universally recommending colonoscopy may reduce adherence to CRC screening, especially among racial/ethnic minorities. Significant variation in overall and strategy-specific adherence exists between racial/ethnic groups; however, this may be a proxy for health beliefs and/or language. These results suggest that patient preferences should be considered when making CRC screening recommendations.