通过构建一种新方法,来自美国哈佛-麻省理工布洛德研究所(Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard)、达纳法伯癌症研究所和德州大学MD安德森癌症中心的研究人员鉴定出6个在黑素瘤中发生驱动型突变(driving mutation)的新基因,其中3个基因因紫外线照射造成损伤而产生频发性热点突变(recurrent 'hotspot' mutation)。这3个基因产生的突变是研究人员第一次拥有确凿的基因组证据表明紫外线造成的损伤与黑素瘤产生直接相关联。他们的研究发现于2012年7月20日发表在《细胞》期刊上。
在之前的研究中,许多重要的突变能够促进黑色素瘤产生,其中就包括BRAF(V600)突变---在一半黑色素瘤中存在---和NRAS(Q61)突变。然而,这些大多数突变似乎并不是由紫外线照射产生的直接损伤造成的。这些已知的突变非常重要,但是它们不能反映黑色素瘤的全貌。黑色素瘤要比大多数类型的实体瘤拥有更高的基因突变率,其中大多数突变是由于紫外线损伤导致的运输型突变(passenger mutation),即导致一种被称作胞苷(C)-胸苷(T)转换(cytidine to thymidine transition)的DNA变化。
研究共同通讯作者Lynda Chin博士和Levi A. Garraway博士测序了121个黑色素瘤样品中的外显子,并与正常DNA进行比对,结果发现86813个编码突变(coding mutation)。在发生最频繁突变的基因当中,85%的活跃性编码突变就是由紫外线照射导致的C-T转换。
在这项研究中,研究人员在众所周知的癌基因BRAF, NRAS, PTEN, TP53, CDKN2A和MAP2K1中鉴定出功能性突变。同时,他们还发现5个新的基因RAC1, PPP6C, STK19, SNX31和TACC1,它们当中的大多数与涉及癌症产生的分子途径相关联,但是在此之前,没有人发现它们在黑色素瘤中也产生明显的突变,此外,它们在3%到9%的肿瘤样品中存在。
本文编译自Scientists discover melanoma-driving genetic changes caused by sun damage
doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2012.06.024
A Landscape of Driver Mutations in Melanoma
Eran Hodis, Ian R. Watson, Gregory V. Kryukov, Stefan T. Arold, Marcin Imielinski, Jean-Philippe Theurillat, Elizabeth Nickerson, Daniel Auclair, Liren Li, Chelsea Place, Daniel DiCara, Alex H. Ramos, Michael S. Lawrence, Kristian Cibulskis, Andrey Sivachenko, Douglas Voet, Gordon Saksena, Nicolas Stransky, Robert C. Onofrio, Wendy Winckler, Kristin Ardlie, Nikhil Wagle, Jennifer Wargo, Kelly Chong, Donald L. Morton, Katherine Stemke-Hale, Guo Chen, Michael Noble, Matthew Meyerson, John E. Ladbury, Michael A. Davies, Jeffrey E. Gershenwald, Stephan N. Wagner, Dave S.B. Hoon, Dirk Schadendorf, Eric S. Lander, Stacey B. Gabriel, Gad Getz, Levi A. Garraway, Lynda Chin
Despite recent insights into melanoma genetics, systematic surveys for driver mutations are challenged by an abundance of passenger mutations caused by carcinogenic UV light exposure. We developed a permutation-based framework to address this challenge, employing mutation data from intronic sequences to control for passenger mutational load on a per gene basis. Analysis of large-scale melanoma exome data by this approach discovered six novel melanoma genes (PPP6C, RAC1, SNX31, TACC1, STK19, and ARID2), three of which—RAC1, PPP6C, and STK19—harbored recurrent and potentially targetable mutations. Integration with chromosomal copy number data contextualized the landscape of driver mutations, providing oncogenic insights in BRAF- and NRAS-driven melanoma as well as those without known NRAS/BRAF mutations. The landscape also clarified a mutational basis for RB and p53 pathway deregulation in this malignancy. Finally, the spectrum of driver mutations provided unequivocal genomic evidence for a direct mutagenic role of UV light in melanoma pathogenesis.