在一项新研究中,来自美国华盛顿大学圣路易斯分校医学院的研究人员发现在诊断时,白血病细胞存在上百个突变,但是几乎所有突变都是因为正常衰老而随机产生,而与癌症不相关。他们发现,即便是血液中的干细胞经常也会随着人寿命的增加而积累新的突变。他们的研究表明在很多情形下,仅需两至三个基因变化就足以将一个正常的已经散布着突变的血细胞转变为急性髓细胞性白血病(acute myeloid leukemia, AML)细胞。相关研究于2012年7月20日发表在《细胞》期刊上。这是研究人员第一次研究血液中健康干细胞通常产生多少次突变。与此同时也正是骨髓中这些未成熟的细胞产生体内所有的血细胞。
通过对AML患者的基因组进行测序,研究人员能够鉴定出13个新的驱动型突变(driver mutation),这些突变很可能在其他病人患上白血病中发挥着重要作用。他们也鉴定出一些额外的协同性突变(cooperating mutation):这些突变与驱动型突变一起发挥作用而使得造血干细胞比其他细胞具有生长优势。在很多病人中,它似乎是除了一个起始驱动型突变之外,一到两个额外的协同性突变在癌症发生中发挥着重要作用。尽管这些研究发现对白血病比较重要,但是它们也可能适用于其他癌症。(生物谷:Bioon.com)
本文编译自Hundreds of random mutations in leukemia linked to aging, not cancer
doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2010.10.027
The origin and evolution of mutations in acute myeloid leukemia
Welch JS, Ley TJ, Link DC, Westervelt P, Walter MJ, Graubert TA, DiPersio JF, Ding L, Mardis ER, Wilson RK et al.
Obstacles in elucidating the role of oxidative stress in aging include difficulties in (1) tracking in vivo oxidants, in (2) identifying affected proteins, and in (3) correlating changes in oxidant levels with life span. Here, we used quantitative redox proteomics to determine the onset and the cellular targets of oxidative stress during Caenorhabditis elegans’ life span. In parallel, we used genetically encoded sensor proteins to determine peroxide levels in live animals in real time. We discovered that C. elegans encounters significant levels of oxidants as early as during larval development. Oxidant levels drop rapidly as animals mature, and reducing conditions prevail throughout the reproductive age, after which age-accompanied protein oxidation sets in. Long-lived daf-2 mutants transition faster to reducing conditions, whereas short-lived daf-16 mutants retain higher oxidant levels throughout their mature life. These results suggest that animals with improved capacity to recover from early oxidative stress have significant advantages later in life.