干扰素是一种免疫反应蛋白,身体利用这种蛋白对抗病毒和细菌感染。在一项新研究中,研究人员发现某些乳腺癌细胞能够关闭负责导致干扰素产生的基因。因为这一发现,于2012年7月22日在线发表在Nature Medicine期刊上的一篇论文中,他们写道,癌细胞能够在不遭受免疫系统攻击的情况下转移到身体其他部分,特别是骨组织中。
本文编译自Study finds breast cancer cells able to turn off interferon production to avoid immune response
doi: 10.1038/nm.2830
Silencing of Irf7 pathways in breast cancer cells promotes bone metastasis through immune escape
Bradley N Bidwell, Clare Y Slaney, Nimali P Withana et al.
Breast cancer metastasis is a key determinant of long-term patient survival. By comparing the transcriptomes of primary and metastatic tumor cells in a mouse model of spontaneous bone metastasis, we found that a substantial number of genes suppressed in bone metastases are targets of the interferon regulatory factor Irf7. Restoration of Irf7 in tumor cells or administration of interferon led to reduced bone metastases and prolonged survival time. In mice deficient in the interferon (IFN) receptor or in natural killer (NK) and CD8+ T cell responses, metastasis was accelerated, indicating that Irf7-driven suppression of metastasis was reliant on IFN signaling to host immune cells. We confirmed the clinical relevance of these findings in over 800 patients in which high expression of Irf7-regulated genes in primary tumors was associated with prolonged bone metastasis–free survival. This gene signature may identify patients that could benefit from IFN-based therapies. Thus, we have identified an innate immune pathway intrinsic to breast cancer cells, the suppression of which restricts immunosurveillance to enable metastasis.