2012年8月11日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --美国加州的马林县(Marin County)是世界上乳腺癌患病风险最高的一个县城,为何其乳腺癌患病风险如此之高,科学家们并不清楚。近日,刊登在国际杂志Journal of the American College of Surgeons上的一篇研究报告中,来自加利福尼亚大学的研究者揭示了乳腺癌风险相关的影响因子,或许是县城中的大部分白人妇女的遗传性状所引发的。研究者从妇女中采集了338份口腔细胞,研究发现人们维生素D受体基因的DNA轻微突变和乳腺癌风险直接相关。
研究者于2003年采集了患者的细胞样品,以期望在未来进行研究,研究者使用了一种名为OncoVue的算法来对基于维生素D受体突变所引发的乳腺癌风险进行评分,研究中包含有164个患病妇女和174个不患病的妇女,结果显示了该软件在预测乳腺癌风险上具有高的准确性。研究者发现遗传变异-维生素D受体Apa1 A2/A2纯合子的多态性和乳腺癌风险增加直接相关。64%的乳腺癌患者均有这样的遗传特点。
编译自:Marin County, California's High Breast Cancer Rate May Be Tied to Genetics
Vitamin D Receptor Polymorphisms and Breast Cancer Risk in a High-Incidence Population: A Pilot Study
Kathie M. Dalessandri, MD, MS, FACS Affiliations Surgeon Scientist, Point Reyes Station, CA Correspondence address: Kathie M Dalessandri, MD, MS, FACS, Surgeon Scientist, PO Box 1173, Point Reyes Station, CA 94956 , Rei Miike, MPH Affiliations Department of Neurological Surgery, Molecular Epidemiology Laboratory, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA , John K. Wiencke, PhD Affiliations Department of Neurological Surgery, Molecular Epidemiology Laboratory, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA , Georgianna Farren, MD Affiliations Marin Community Clinic, San Rafael, CA , Thomas W. Pugh, MS Affiliations InterGenetics Incorporated, Oklahoma City, OK , Sharmila Manjeshwar, PhD Affiliations InterGenetics Incorporated, Oklahoma City, OK , Daniele C. DeFreese, MS Affiliations InterGenetics Incorporated, Oklahoma City, OK , Eldon R. Jupe, PhD, HCLD/CC(ABB)
Background Marin County, California has very high incidence of breast cancer. Traditional risk factors, such as those included in the Gail model, do not effectively stratify breast cancer in this population. This retrospective case-control pilot study evaluates DNA from volunteers from a previous
Marin County breast cancer epidemiology study. A polyfactorial risk model (OncoVue; InterGenetics Incorporated) that incorporates 22 polymorphisms in 19 genes and 5 clinical risk factors was used to stratify risk in Marin County women.
Study Design DNA genotyping was performed on 164 Caucasian women diagnosed with primary breast cancer in Marin County from 1997 to 1999 and 174 age- and ethnicity-matched control subjects. Individual lifetime risks were determined using the polyfactorial risk model and genotype frequencies in women at elevated risk were compared with the overall genotypes. Results The vitamin D receptor VDR ApaI A2/A2 (rs7975232) homozygous polymorphism was present in high frequency in elevated-risk women. Sixty-four percent of elevated-risk women had the VDR Apa1 A2/A2 genotype compared with only 34% in the overall study, a statistically significant 1.9-fold difference (p = 0.0003). VDR Apa1 A2/a1 and a1/a1 genotypes were also present, but in lower frequencies.
Conclusions The high frequency of the VDR Apa1 A2/A2 homozygous polymorphism in women designated as elevated risk for breast cancer by the polyfactorial risk model might be related to the high incidence rates of breast cancer in Marin County, California. Vitamin D supplementation could modify risk of breast cancer in this population.