2012年8月15日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --肺癌是世界范围内最严重的癌症之一,尽管近些年来在肺癌分子生物学研究方面取得了很大进展,但是肿瘤细胞生长和扩散的机制目前并不清楚,因此开发相应的治疗方法也显得困难重重。
近日,来自西班牙国家癌症中心的研究者Manuel Serrano破解了肺癌背后的一种分子途径,通过此项研究,他们识别出的新的实验药物,在小鼠实验中可以阻碍癌症细胞的生长,相关研究成果刊登在了8月13日的国际著名杂志Cancer Cell上。
小鼠的治疗试验和人类的同时开展,称为联合临床试验(coclinical trials)。这些试验在非常短的时间内允许信息在小鼠和人类之间进行转移,研究者认为,通过阻挡Notch途径对于治疗肺癌非常有帮助,Serrano博士说,我们已经用一种直接阻碍Notch途径蛋白功能的制剂来应用于病人,而且我们想扩大试验规模,我们预期结果会非常有希望的。(生物谷Bioon.com)
编译自:New Therapy Prevents Lung Cancer Growth in Mice
Therapeutic Effect of -Secretase Inhibition in KrasG12V-Driven Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma by Derepression of DUSP1 and Inhibition of ERK
Antonio Maraver, Pablo J. Fernandez-Marcos, Daniel Herranz, Marta Cañamero, Maribel Muñoz-Martin, Gonzalo Gómez-López, Francisca Mulero, Diego Megías, Marta Sanchez-Carbayo, Jie Shen, Montserrat Sanchez-Cespedes, Teresa Palomero, Adolfo Ferrando, Manuel Serrano
Here, we have investigated the role of the Notch pathway in the generation and maintenance of KrasG12V-driven non-small cell lung carcinomas (NSCLCs). We demonstrate by genetic means that -secretase and RBPJ are essential for the formation of NSCLCs. Of importance, pharmacologic treatment of mice carrying autochthonous NSCLCs with a -secretase inhibitor (GSI) blocks cancer growth. Treated carcinomas present reduced HES1 levels and reduced phosphorylated ERK without changes in phosphorylated MEK. Mechanistically, we show that HES1 directly binds to and represses the promoter of DUSP1, encoding a dual phosphatase that is active against phospho-ERK. Accordingly, GSI treatment upregulates DUSP1 and decreases phospho-ERK. These data provide proof of the in vivo therapeutic potential of GSIs in primary NSCLCs.