2012年9月9日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --乳腺组织的僵硬程度可以作为鉴别乳腺癌发生的一个重要因素,组织的僵硬度可以诱导分子改变,进而促进细胞的癌变行为。一项新的研究发现,在三维凝胶上生长的乳腺癌细胞可以增强细胞的复制,并且随着僵硬度的增加可以降低细胞的组织化。这期间所涉及的信号都是有一些表面蛋白质所参与协调控制的,这些蛋白质可以和结缔组织进行信息交流来调节细胞的复制、死亡以及运动。然而,目前我们并不清楚为什么组织僵硬度或者其它物理特性可以促使机体的癌变行为。
本项研究由宾夕法尼亚大学的研究者Michael Pack领导,相关成果已经刊登在了杂志PLoS Biology上。文章中,研究者阐述了,携带激活平滑肌肌球蛋白基因突变的斑马鱼肠道上皮细胞可以形成称为伪足的前突,这将会使得细胞在其周围的结缔组织上进行扩散。这种上皮细胞的前突形式可以对其周围平滑肌细胞的非调节收缩产生反应,进而这些收缩行为会在上皮细胞中产生氧化性应激反应,这和人类癌细胞的伪足形成明显相关。
编译自:Tension On Gut Muscles Induces Cell Invasion in Zebrafish Intestine, Mimicking Cancer Metastasis
Smooth Muscle Tension Induces Invasive Remodeling of the Zebrafish Intestine
Christoph Seiler1, Gangarao Davuluri1, Joshua Abrams1, Fitzroy J. Byfield2, Paul A. Janmey2, Michael Pack1,3*
The signals that initiate cell invasion are not well understood, but there is increasing evidence that extracellular physical signals play an important role. Here we show that epithelial cell invasion in the intestine of zebrafish meltdown (mlt) mutants arises in response to unregulated contractile tone in the surrounding smooth muscle cell layer. Physical signaling in mlt drives formation of membrane protrusions within the epithelium that resemble invadopodia, matrix-degrading protrusions present in invasive cancer cells. Knockdown of Tks5, a Src substrate that is required for invadopodia formation in mammalian cells blocked formation of the protrusions and rescued invasion in mlt. Activation of Src-signaling induced invadopodia-like protrusions in wild type epithelial cells, however the cells did not migrate into the tissue stroma, thus indicating that the protrusions were required but not sufficient for invasion in this in vivo model. Transcriptional profiling experiments showed that genes responsive to reactive oxygen species (ROS) were upregulated in mlt larvae. ROS generators induced invadopodia-like protrusions and invasion in heterozygous mlt larvae but had no effect in wild type larvae. Co-activation of oncogenic Ras and Wnt signaling enhanced the responsiveness of mlt heterozygotes to the ROS generators. These findings present the first direct evidence that invadopodia play a role in tissue cell invasion in vivo. In addition, they identify an inducible physical signaling pathway sensitive to redox and oncogenic signaling that can drive this process.