2012年9月11日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --当肿瘤转移或者在机体其它区域进行扩散时,最终使得癌症病人死亡的原因往往不是原发性的肿瘤。近日,来自威尔康乃尔医学院的研究者将注意力转移到了结直肠癌的发病原因上,他们重点研究了癌症细胞如何通过识别关键的化学信号分子来进行肿瘤的转移。同时研究者也开发出了低成本、无需进行手术的遗传开关来对结直肠癌癌细胞的行为进行开关控制。相关研究成果刊登在了9月4日的国际杂志Journal of Clinical Investigation上。
编译自:Metastatic 'switch' could lead to cancer therapies
Chemokine 25–induced signaling suppresses colon cancer invasion and metastasis
Huanhuan Joyce Chen1,2, Robert Edwards3, Serena Tucci4,5, Pengcheng Bu2,6, Jeff Milsom7, Sang Lee7, Winfried Edelmann8, Zeynep H. Gümüs4,5, Xiling Shen2,6 and Steven Lipkin1
Chemotactic cytokines (chemokines) can help regulate tumor cell invasion and metastasis. Here, we show that chemokine 25 (CCL25) and its cognate receptor chemokine receptor 9 (CCR9) inhibit colorectal cancer (CRC) invasion and metastasis. We found that CCR9 protein expression levels were highest in colon adenomas and progressively decreased in invasive and metastatic CRCs. CCR9 was expressed in both primary tumor cell cultures and colon-cancer-initiating cell (CCIC) lines derived from early-stage CRCs but not from metastatic CRC. CCL25 stimulated cell proliferation by activating AKT signaling. In vivo, systemically injected CCR9+ early-stage CCICs led to the formation of orthotopic gastrointestinal xenograft tumors. Blocking CCR9 signaling inhibited CRC tumor formation in the native gastrointestinal CCL25+ microenvironment, while increasing extraintestinal tumor incidence. NOTCH signaling, which promotes CRC metastasis, increased extraintestinal tumor frequency by stimulating CCR9 proteasomal degradation. Overall, these data indicate that CCL25 and CCR9 regulate CRC progression and invasion and further demonstrate an appropriate in vivo experimental system to study CRC progression in the native colon microenvironment.